4 And 5 Star Luxury Resorts - How To Find Luxury For Less
Nights sitting alone, all by their lonesome, cold and cavernous.
For awhile, the hotels left them that way.
Now, things are changing.
Hoteliers are realizing they'd rather make some return, even if it's short, then no return on these high end accommodations.
Next time you're booking your room, it doesn't hurt to inquire about upgrades.
In fact, more times than not, it pays off.
Believe it or not, there are rooms above yours that are empty- and if the hotelier can make you happy, they will usually do their best to.
Also look for deals and coupons from the major hotel brands and third party management companies alike.
These companies are offering outrageous nightly room rates on rooms you might not think they would offer.
Check newspaper ads, internet searches and sign up for email blasts from the major players.
Getting on VIP player cards in Las Vegas, for instance, gets you 'in the know.
' Find markets that are strong year round- markets such as Miami Beach, Florida, New York, NY, Las Vegas, Nevada, Italy, Costa Rica and the strongest yearly market on the planet- Hawaii.
Hawaii is so saturated with luxury hotels, resorts and condo hotel timeshares, there is always a deal there.
Never go to the Pacific Islands without knowing your getting a great deal on a high end luxury hotel room.
Realize that now is the time to seize the day.
Capitalize on the downturn- switch the tables and live like a king, even if for a day.
Call that hotel you always wanted to stay at.
Have your Pretty Woman moment.
Research third party management companies- oftentimes these companies have very high end luxury access that they can book for less.