Finally, a proven formula for finding the woman of your dreams
The Seduction Files, by Jessica Jasmine, was written for this vast majority of men. It is a short and to the point ebook that tells men exactly what to say and do in order entice women.
Jasmine lays out a simple, almost scientific formula for getting the right women to pay more attention to you. Her tell-all book includes a step-by-step system that the author says is guaranteed to work. Further, The Seduction Files explains how to identify and disregard the 80% of women who are not interested in you so that you can concentrate on the 20% who are.
Additionally, Jasmine has identified what she calls the five-level seduction pyramid. Her book will help you determine your current place on that pyramid and show you how to reach the €Master€ level, which is defined as that place in your life where your skills become so fully integrated into your every day activities that you can pick up girls without actually thinking about it.
The Seduction Files also contains a wealth of useful information, like what to wear and " importantly -- what not to wear; what first impressions to make if you want to romance someone successfully; how to use touch appropriately and effectively and the simple €trick€ that can get you into a conversation with any woman you choose.
This ebook debunks the rules you've previously been taught, especially about being yourself (wow, can that turn out to be a disaster).
Importantly, The Seduction Files is designed to answer the eternal question, €What do women want?€ Once you know that you can use the various tools within this book to develop the ability to seduce beautiful women who actually want to be with you.
There are a myriad of books available on this subject and they all purport to have the ultimate answer on how to pick up women, even beautiful ones. However, Ms. Jasmine is one of the few to offer a full 90-day, money back guarantee. She must really know what she's talking about.