How to Start a Man and Van Business
At any one time people are moving to other locations due to a variety of reasons like job transfers, separation, search for better living quarters and others.
Therefore there emerges a business opportunity in this sector.
As with other businesses, there are a series of steps that you need to follow before and during the course of your business start up.
The first step is to research on the locality and particulars of your venture.
You might decide to focus on one locality or a wider region.
After this, come up with a business name.
The business name should be short and catchy and at the same time hint at the services you offer.
It should be short enough so as to be able to fit on a business card and advertising brochures but should of course make sense.
In addition to the name, design a logo that is to be printed on the business cards, brochures, website (if any) and uniforms.
After you decide on the name, embark on business registration.
Contact your relevant authorities and register your business accompanied by the relevant licenses and permits.
Since you are handling other people's property, it is mandatory for a man in a van business to have insurance.
Acquisition of the van depends on the amount of money that you have.
You can purchase the van if you are able to financially but the best option is to lease.
Leasing frees up start up capital for other activities like registration, purchase of uniform and other equipment like packing racks and tools.
The extra money can also be used for advertisement and marketing purposes.
You might consider of hiring an extra hand.
Once you acquire your van and equipment, the next step is to print the logo and business name on the side of the van and uniform.
This should be accompanied by extensive advertisement.
Advertisement for a man and van hire venture is quite simple; you print out brochures and fliers for a start and place them in strategic locations like local malls and social halls.
You can also print out business cards and hand them out to people.
Ensure that the business card has your contacts.
You should also have brochures that spell out the rates for different items and varying distances.
Once you get your first client, top quality of work is essential.
Handle their items with care and keep to their requirements and conditions.
Once you do this right, word will spread and your business is on its way up.