Poor People to Get Welfare Check For Increased Energy Costs of Faulty Cap and Trade Bill
It appears, we have nothing short of a class-warfare campaign to destroy individual wealth in the US, and take from all those who've worked hard and produced all their lives.
The cap and trade bill, which was some 1400-pages, was passed by the House of Representatives without even being read and yet, it contains some absolutely ridiculous clauses, for instance; Spruiell and Williamson of National Review noted: "Not only will Waxman-Markey slip more redistribution into the tax code; it will establish a new monthly welfare check.
It will create an "Energy Refund Program" that will "give low-income households a monthly cash energy refund equal to the estimated loss in purchasing power resulting from this Act".
" Basically, poor people will get a welfare check for any increased costs in energy caused by the cap and trade bill, while everyone else will pay the new increased prices that are caused by this ill-conceived disastrous piece of legislation.
What this effectively does is cause more of the middle class to drop out of the Peloton, and join the lower class.
Of course, they will have one consolation prize; cheaper energy costs? It's amazing that our government cannot see the obvious flaws in all of this.
Still, one can only assume they couldn't have read the bill in the 2-days prior to the vote, or they just don't care, as there is just as much pork in this bill as there was in the stimulus package.
Please consider all this.