What Does Gurbani Say About Nankshahi Months and Seasons of the Soul?
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Magh a snowy winter month of 30 days beginning about January 13.
"Maagh puneet bhee teerath antar jaaniaa ||
In [the month of] Magh I am made immculate upon realizing the place of pilgrimage is within me.
Saajan sehaj milae gun geh ank samaaniaa ||
My friend I intuitively meet, enshrining His merits I merge in His being.
Preetam gun ankae sun prabh bankae tudh bhaavaa sar naavaa ||
O my Beloved I sing of Thy glories please hear me O beauteous Lord, Thy merits I enshrine in my mind and merge in Thy being by bathing in the sacred pool within.
Gang jamun teh baenee sangam saat samund samaavaa ||
The Ganes Jamna confluence of three streams and seven oceans are the sacred bathing place within.
Punn daan poojaa parmaesur jug jug eko jaataa ||
Charity, giving alms, and worshiping the Lord's name, I realize the One Lord is pervading everywhere.
Naanak maagh mehaa ras har jap athasath teerath naataa ||15||
O Nanak, in [the month of] Magh the most sublime essence is ablution in the supreme elixer of the Lord's meditation with whose name are the 68 holy bathing places.||15||"
Phagan a snowy winter month or 30 to 31 days beginning about February 12.
Phalgun man rehsee prem subhaaiaa ||
In [the month of] Phagan her mind is enraptured and blooms in the love of her Beloved.
Andin rehas bhaiaa aap gavaaiaa ||
Day and night she effaces herself abiding in the rapture of spirtual bliss.
Man mohu chukaaiaa jaa tis bhaaiaa kar kirpaa ghar aaou ||
Eradicating her mind of worldy love through His ordainment, She prays "O Lord if it pleases Thee have mercy and come to my home."
Bahutae vaes karee pir baajhahu mehalee lehaa na thaaou ||
Though I adorn myself in various garb, without love of my Beloved I find no refuge in His mansion.
Haar ddor ras paatt pattanbar pir lorree seegaaree ||
When my Lord sought me, He garlanded me with the decor of pearls, perfumes, and silks.
Naanak mael lee gur apanai ghar var paaiaa naaree ||16||
O Nanak I am united by the Guru with Him, The soul-bride has discovered her Lord Husband in the home of her own heart. ||16||"
Bae das maah rutee thitee vaar bhalae ||
The twelve months, seasons, and lunar days are sublime.
Gharree moorat pal saachae aaae sehaj milae ||
The 24 minutes and single moments are the instances that the True Lord intuitively meets me.
Prabh milae piaarae kaaraj saarae karatha sabh bidh jaanai ||
The master meets me O Beloved my affairs are arranged, the Creator Lord is all knowing.
Jin seegaaree tiseh piaaree mael bhaiaa rang maanai ||
I am beloved, embellished, and exalted by Him, meeting whom I enjoy.
Ghar saej suhaavee jaa pir raavee gurmukh masatak bhaago ||
The bed of my heart home becomes beatuiful when my Beloved ravishes me, by Guru's grace I am awakened to the destiny engraved on my forehead.
Naanak ahinis raavai preetam har var thir sohaago ||17||1||
O Nanak, day and night my Beloved enjoys me, the Lord is my husband, eternal is my married life. ||17||1||
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Magh a snowy winter month of 30 days beginning about January 13.
"Maagh puneet bhee teerath antar jaaniaa ||
In [the month of] Magh I am made immculate upon realizing the place of pilgrimage is within me.
Saajan sehaj milae gun geh ank samaaniaa ||
My friend I intuitively meet, enshrining His merits I merge in His being.
Preetam gun ankae sun prabh bankae tudh bhaavaa sar naavaa ||
O my Beloved I sing of Thy glories please hear me O beauteous Lord, Thy merits I enshrine in my mind and merge in Thy being by bathing in the sacred pool within.
Gang jamun teh baenee sangam saat samund samaavaa ||
The Ganes Jamna confluence of three streams and seven oceans are the sacred bathing place within.
Punn daan poojaa parmaesur jug jug eko jaataa ||
Charity, giving alms, and worshiping the Lord's name, I realize the One Lord is pervading everywhere.
Naanak maagh mehaa ras har jap athasath teerath naataa ||15||
O Nanak, in [the month of] Magh the most sublime essence is ablution in the supreme elixer of the Lord's meditation with whose name are the 68 holy bathing places.||15||"
Phagan a snowy winter month or 30 to 31 days beginning about February 12.
Phalgun man rehsee prem subhaaiaa ||
In [the month of] Phagan her mind is enraptured and blooms in the love of her Beloved.
Andin rehas bhaiaa aap gavaaiaa ||
Day and night she effaces herself abiding in the rapture of spirtual bliss.
Man mohu chukaaiaa jaa tis bhaaiaa kar kirpaa ghar aaou ||
Eradicating her mind of worldy love through His ordainment, She prays "O Lord if it pleases Thee have mercy and come to my home."
Bahutae vaes karee pir baajhahu mehalee lehaa na thaaou ||
Though I adorn myself in various garb, without love of my Beloved I find no refuge in His mansion.
Haar ddor ras paatt pattanbar pir lorree seegaaree ||
When my Lord sought me, He garlanded me with the decor of pearls, perfumes, and silks.
Naanak mael lee gur apanai ghar var paaiaa naaree ||16||
O Nanak I am united by the Guru with Him, The soul-bride has discovered her Lord Husband in the home of her own heart. ||16||"
Sublime Seasons
Bae das maah rutee thitee vaar bhalae ||
The twelve months, seasons, and lunar days are sublime.
Gharree moorat pal saachae aaae sehaj milae ||
The 24 minutes and single moments are the instances that the True Lord intuitively meets me.
Prabh milae piaarae kaaraj saarae karatha sabh bidh jaanai ||
The master meets me O Beloved my affairs are arranged, the Creator Lord is all knowing.
Jin seegaaree tiseh piaaree mael bhaiaa rang maanai ||
I am beloved, embellished, and exalted by Him, meeting whom I enjoy.
Ghar saej suhaavee jaa pir raavee gurmukh masatak bhaago ||
The bed of my heart home becomes beatuiful when my Beloved ravishes me, by Guru's grace I am awakened to the destiny engraved on my forehead.
Naanak ahinis raavai preetam har var thir sohaago ||17||1||
O Nanak, day and night my Beloved enjoys me, the Lord is my husband, eternal is my married life. ||17||1||
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