Accomplishing Your Goals Through Adversity
It is what drives us to be successful in our career, family, and personal life.
With each goal comes a vision of how you plan on achieving that goal.
Whether it be, getting your degree, writing a book, losing weight, starting a business, or even finishing a marathon.
We need to have these goals to keep us grounded and focused to have a healthy and successful life.
With each goal comes challenges and obstacles.
This is what makes accomplishing your goal more satisfying.
Sometimes it is difficult to remain focus because of problems and roadblocks that you come across and can easily stray you away from your vision and goals.
The key to achieving your goals is how you deal w/ adversity.
By keeping your mind on your vision and the goal at the end of the tunnel, while staying on track, you can achieve your goals.
Every thing and anything can happen in our lives.
But the one thing that remains the same is our goals.
They are our dreams and the driving force that makes us what we are and who we are.
People may advise you not do things or tell you that it will never work, but remember that is their opinion.
We have the power to achieve anything in our lives.
You can have a goal of becoming and actor.
You can have goal of becoming a doctor.
You can have goal of becoming financially free.
Whatever your goal in life is, you must never let anyone or anything stand in your way.
If you stay on the path toward your goal and stay focused and vision yourself accomplishing that goal, nothing can stop you from doing it.
It is like walking on a line and at the end of the line is your goal.
The key to stay on that line is balance.
For example, lets say you just started college.
Now the line has already been set for you once you made that commitment.
You now have to vision your self walking on that stage and getting your degree and your degree is your goal.
Of course this may be a long journey but it can be accomplished.
Your goal is set and all you need to do is walk that line towards your goal.
Now here comes the balancing act.
You will have problems and set backs that will stray you away from that line.
Whether it be finance, family, relationships, or even medical issues.
But if you think about it, the goal is still there.
It's not going away.
Remember, that is your vision and something that you want to accomplish in your life.
One thing that helps to remember is the WHY.
Why did I commit to college, why did I want to start a business, why did I want to run a marathon.
That is your crutch! That is what holds our motivation and that is what helps you remember to help you stay balanced.
Walk that line towards your goal.
Vision yourself accomplishing your goal.
Balance your life to get where you want to be.
And ask yourself WHY so you can remember and help you stay focused.