Rich Information Applications Enable Healthcare Providers to Maintain Healthy Data
And as is natural with any aging population, those baby boomers will face escalating health issues, in turn putting more and more pressure on the healthcare system and continuing to add stress to it for years to come.
That's not the only concern that the healthcare industry faces, either; 16 percent of Americans don't have medical insurance, while another 17 percent of the population has opted out of their health insurance for a multitude of reasons, including an inability to afford the payroll deductions.
Meanwhile, as demand increases, costs are escalating, largely because growth in healthcare hasn't been organic.
While more customers enter the healthcare system, there are fewer companies out there to offer them the services that they need.
Instead, existing companies grow to try to accommodate the increased demand.
Skyrocketing costs are making it look like the industry is getting bigger, though, because costs and revenues for those left keep going up.
The total number of commercial healthcare plans is decreasing, while high-deductible health plans are decreasing profits.
As a result a greater emphasis, by necessity, has been put on costs, savings and efficiencies.
Growth, in turn, has changed the quality of the services that are being offered.
Mechanisms are needed to spur organic growth in healthcare, as well as to entice the working uninsured and to build more consumer-driven products.
As changes continue to reshape the healthcare industry, healthcare providers are finding that they must view themselves differently than in the past and improve their methodology to gather the right data in an efficient way.
Hospitals need information that allows them to measure their performance in a wide range of key areas, including regulatory requirements, patient care, healthcare services, outcomes operations, and finance.
Rich Information Applications have a massive impact on a healthcare organization's ability to deliver services, create differentiation and enhance market appeal.