The Cheapest Traffic Generation Method In The World Yet Over 90% Of Marketers Ignore It - Why?
Its a great opportunity that requires little ongoing effort, creating a passive source of income.
The basic strategy can be outlined like this: One writes articles on subjects related to a high-paying keyword.
These articles are then submitted to a series of article repositories where they can be found by surfers and picked up by other webmasters for use on their sites.
Included with the article is a resource box that includes some biographical information about the author and a link to the authors site.
That site will contain additional information about the same subject matter and will feature AdSense ad blocks that will display ads related to the high-paying keyword.
Each time a visitor comes from your article to the designated page, they may click on at least one of those ads, creating immediate profits for the article author.
The reason this technique holds so much promise is the viral nature of the free articles.
These article sites are frequented by scores of webmasters who are looking for good content to use on their sites.
In exchange for the free content, they agree to provide a link back to the author.
Each article might find itself popping up on a series of sites.
By placing an article in a free article repository, it can achieve remarkable exposure quickly.
Content is king, they say, and webmasters are always searching for articles on hot topics.
In addition to the viral exposure, surfers may also directly find the articles interested in the subject matter.
You can consider the article repository sites as remote hosts for your content, as each article does contain that important link back to your site.
When people click your link, they will be delivered to your site that covers the same topic area.
Your page will be designed primarily as a means of providing some additional subject matter information and will feature AdSense ads.
This topic area is carefully selected in order produce maximum value from every eventual AdSense click.
Basically, those adopting this strategy are putting the markets unquenchable thirst for content to use as a marketing tool for a site monetized with AdSense ads.
The results can be stunning.
Imagine, for a moment, that you have produced two articles on a keyword that is generating a very healthy ten dollars per click on relevant AdSense ads.
The two articles are submitted to ten different article directories.
Within a short period of time, it is not unthinkable that the articles will end up appearing on well over a hundred different sites.
Additionally, you are likely to learn that information-hungry surfers are discovering the articles on the repository site itself.
You have successfully managed to advertise on all of those sites simply by producing two articles.
Now, lets say that from all of the people visiting your site from the link embedded in your articles resourced boxes, only one person a day actually clicks on an AdSense ad.
This, obviously, is a pretty conservative estimate.
Still, if you average only one click per day on a ten-dollar ad, you will generate around three hundred dollars per month.
Thats three hundred dollars in exchange for producing and distributing only two articles.
Consider what would happen if you tackled five different hot keywords each month using this strategy? Suddenly, you would be generating over one thousand five hundred dollars per month in exchange for pretty minimal efforts.
Its a strategy that can be multiplied again and again.
If you start thinking about what happens if you can manage a few extra clicks each day, the possibilities are truly staggering.
Just thinking about the profit potential of this strategy probably has you ready to begin your article-based AdSense campaign immediately.
However, there is a way to make it even more successful.
The hypothetical scenario we outlined is based on fairly limited distribution of your articles.
Imagine what might happen if you were able to submit your article to hundreds of locations instead of just a few.
The potential financial gains are multiplied! The idea of submitting your articles to hundreds of locations might seem cumbersome and time-consuming.
If you were to manually submit your articles to all of the available article repositories, it would take so much time you would not have a chance to do anything else.
Luckily, the smart article-based marketer can add a tool to his or her arsenal that will make submitting articles to a wide array of locations efficient and easy.
Software packages are available that will allow you to submit your articles to all of the fields major players with just a few keystrokes and mouse clicks.
Article Submitter Pro available from [http://www.
com] is one such package.
Article Submitter Pro automates the article submission process and will send your articles to over two hundred different locations.
Its a lightweight and easy-to-use program that gets truly amazing submission results.
Anyone serious about using article marketing as a means to awesome AdSense profits should consider finding an automation tool in order to get their articles distributed as widely and quickly as possible.
The best part of all of this is that once the initial work is done, the income is continually produced without additional efforts.
After construction of the original site, production of a few articles (and, of course, you can do more articles if youd like in order to improve the number of visitors to your site), and distribution of the articles, there is no requirement for additional work.
Your site will continue to earn money on a regular basis without any additional effort.
It truly is a passive income stream; a strategy that runs on auto-pilot after being initiated.
So, why doesnt everyone do this? It seems pretty easy, takes advantage of well-known sites, and doesnt really have a cost barrier.
It would seem as if everyone online would be pursuing this strategy! There are some people already doing this, and they are managing some great results.
However, there are others who dont implement the plan for a few different reasons.
Some are simply unable or unwilling to take the time necessary to write the articles.
Of course, they could pay a writer a few bucks to produce these moneymakers, but that thought may not cross their mind.
Or, perhaps some of their past experience with AdSense didnt work out for them and they simply dont believe in the program.
Others know of the different component parts of the strategy but havent yet connected the dots between free articles, their own site and Adsense.
The primary reason, however, that this strategy is currently used only by the fortunate few who are reaping great rewards is that not everyone can find the right keywords.
Keyword selection is the heart and soul of this process, and a failure to target high paying AdSense keywords dooms the proposition to failure.
Think of it in these terms.
If we return to our previous hypothetical assessment and you do everything exactly the same way, but with a keyword that is only paying a dollar per click, you will find yourself still making a bit of money ($30 per month), but not enough to get too excited about.
If we replaced our high-dollar keyword with one that paid only ten cents per click (and there are lot of keywords like that out there), the amount earned from your efforts would be negligible.
In the end, it is all about selecting the right keywords.
What makes a keyword the right fit for an article-based AdSense campaign? There are two factors at play.
First, the amount paid per click on a relevant ad is critical.
High-paying keywords, as noted, are essential to success.
Secondly, your results can be improved even more if you use a keyword that pays well and attracts a great deal of overall attention.
So, in order to really make the process a success, you need to know what keywords are worth and how often people are really looking for them.
Armed with this information, you can create their site and begin article distribution knowing you have an opportunity to produce a significant amount of revenue.
Is it possible to gather this information by oneself? Yes.
However, it requires a great deal of research, logging, tracking and recording in order to make it work.
It usually requires the use of multiple tools and a willingness to spend considerable time and effort setting up a means of determining values and search frequencies.
Additionally, it must be an ongoing process in order to be of maximum value.
Keyword prices and popularity shift a great deal over time and anyone interested in creating maximum profit with an article-based AdSense campaign is going to need up-to-date information.
Fortunately, there are alternatives to the do-it-yourself strategy.
One of the more recognized and advocated means of getting the AdSense keyword research one needs in order to be successful is http://www.
This service provides regularly updated tracking and information on literally thousands of keywords.
It lets one know which keywords are generating the highest per-click payouts and provides you with the data regarding search frequency right in the same spot.
It is just the type of tool one can really benefit from as they try to earn with AdSense and free articles.
Overall, the strategy is simple and the potential results are enticing.
The actual time commitment and work required to implement the plan is relatively slight and the rewards are potentially tremendous.
However, in order for it to work one not only needs a basic understanding of the key components, they also need to have the right information about which keywords to target.
If you are interested in creating a lucrative passive income stream, using free articles to spur AdSense revenues may present the perfect opportunity.
Just find the right keywords and follow a sensible plan and you can find yourself generating noticeable income quickly and easily.