Jewish Pacifism and Jewish Militarism: No Way to Win
The Jewish man asks, "What good did it do?" to which the Polish woman responded, "The Jews fought.
" This is very revealing of the attitudes of the time.
Apparently the Jews were seen as wimps and cowards, and it was believed that this meant that they did not deserve to live.
But the real reason for Jewish stance was that they were pacifists who believed that war and aggression were evil and that, if they were to contribute meaningfully to countries in which they lived, then those countries as well as the world would be a better place.
Imagine their surprise when they got slammed with Nazism.
After the war ended, Israel was created; and Israel took the lessons from Second World War and applied them to the maximum.
Israel became a super-militaristic country that created one of the most effective fighting forces in the world and has been using it left and right.
Meanwhile Europeans, after the war, decided themselves that war and aggression were evil.
So now, instead of hating the Jews for supposedly being wimps, the Europeans hate the Jews for supposedly being aggressors.
What a difference a half-century makes.
The Europeans learned one lesson; the Jews learned the opposite lesson.
They have traded places in many different ways.
So that while the original Jew-hating sentiment was an attack on the liberal pacifism of the Jews of the time, the contemporary Jew-hating sentiment is an attack on the militarism of the contemporary Israeli Jews.
One can't go right in either direction.
Either you are a pacifist and get seen as a coward, or you are a militarist and get seen as an aggressor.
In the first case, supposedly you are a wimp; in the second case, supposedly you are a brute.
Of course the history of most European countries has enough examples of both cowardice and brutality.
I am not, nor was I ever, against Europe.
But this hypocrisy has to end.
Europe has enough of a history of both cowardice and brutality that it should not be attacking the Jews for their own worst habits, even if they were expressed asynchronously with each other.
Israel is the way that it is for a reason, and that reason is the history of Jews in Europe.
And the more European people practice anti-Jewish mentalities, the greater the reason for Israel to remain entrenched in its present ways.