Does Cleaning Increace Success
There are different opinions which differ but the general truth is clean people are more likely to succeed in their jobs, get a promotion and have a happier life. If you clean a lot there are some qualities which you develop without noticing. For example you can't manage a sparkling clean house if you're lazy.
When you think about it for a second you'll be able to vacuum-cleaning the carpet every day, remove dirt form the shelves and mop the floor then you can't be lazy. Who wouldn't want an employee who works a lot, and won't think of a way to hide when there is extra work. Of course there are other qualities as persistence, now that is something every employer wants. You can tell what a person's home look like when you see his/her workspace.
Messy And Dirty Are Not The Same
If it is messier than this person is not so organized, but you have to make a difference between messy and dirty. They're completely different things and you have to know about both, being messy is not such a bad thing. I'm not saying it is good because this means you're not as organized as most people. Of course if you can find your stuff fast and easy there is no problem because this means you can come up with a solution in a tough situation.
One we're through with the difference between messy and dirty it is time to move on with the cleaning chores. This one is for all the men out there who think cleaning is only for women, it is proven that a man who cleans at home is more attractive than other men. If you start doing some chores at home you'll have a better love life believe me, if you don't ask my husband. After all there isn't a single woman who would be happy if her husband is lazy.
You're not the only one who goes to work, therefore don't try to make lame excuses le I'm tired because you're not the only one who's tired. And if you don't take a note don't be disappointed and surprised next time your wife tells you she has a headache. If this isn't enough I'll give you some more reasons why it is better to regularly clean the house. First it will influence your health and minimize the risk of allergies.
If you clean your home regularly you won't have to go to the gym because cleaning trains all muscle groups. You'll be healthier and stay fit, the bonus you'll have a house every housewife would be envy of. Of course there is a way of cheating – hiring a cleaning company always does the trick and there are some tips you can sue in order to make things look clean when they're not. This will save you until the commercial cleaning company comes to the office.
Cleaning Means You're Not Lazy
When you think about it for a second you'll be able to vacuum-cleaning the carpet every day, remove dirt form the shelves and mop the floor then you can't be lazy. Who wouldn't want an employee who works a lot, and won't think of a way to hide when there is extra work. Of course there are other qualities as persistence, now that is something every employer wants. You can tell what a person's home look like when you see his/her workspace.
Messy And Dirty Are Not The Same
If it is messier than this person is not so organized, but you have to make a difference between messy and dirty. They're completely different things and you have to know about both, being messy is not such a bad thing. I'm not saying it is good because this means you're not as organized as most people. Of course if you can find your stuff fast and easy there is no problem because this means you can come up with a solution in a tough situation.
One we're through with the difference between messy and dirty it is time to move on with the cleaning chores. This one is for all the men out there who think cleaning is only for women, it is proven that a man who cleans at home is more attractive than other men. If you start doing some chores at home you'll have a better love life believe me, if you don't ask my husband. After all there isn't a single woman who would be happy if her husband is lazy.
Benefits Of Cleaning Your home
You're not the only one who goes to work, therefore don't try to make lame excuses le I'm tired because you're not the only one who's tired. And if you don't take a note don't be disappointed and surprised next time your wife tells you she has a headache. If this isn't enough I'll give you some more reasons why it is better to regularly clean the house. First it will influence your health and minimize the risk of allergies.
If you clean your home regularly you won't have to go to the gym because cleaning trains all muscle groups. You'll be healthier and stay fit, the bonus you'll have a house every housewife would be envy of. Of course there is a way of cheating – hiring a cleaning company always does the trick and there are some tips you can sue in order to make things look clean when they're not. This will save you until the commercial cleaning company comes to the office.