Impact of Fashion and Glamour on the Indian News Channel
The India news channel motto now has shifted from true news to glamorized news. People now want to see more of that news which has got some glamour in it. The youth of India plays a very important role in the media sector as it's the youth who are more involved in the media because of its glamour and fashion. So the channels are more concerned about the youth as for them their profits matter not true news for them glamour matters not simplicity. Most of the news channels are too much into fashion and glamour than the real fact. They present the news in a glamorized way. Today everyone to watch more of that news which is mix of spices of glamour no one pays attention to simple and plain news. News contains more of entertainment in it rather than true and valuable facts.
The media industry is now shifting more towards glamour and fashion rather than presenting valuable news. The content of news has changed from truth and valuable news to spicy and glamorized content. If you have glamour in your news then only your news channel will get maximum T.R.P. News with true facts and figures is losing its importance somewhere it is being overshadowed by glamour. Every news channels is busy in competing with each other in the area of glamour. Everyone tries to show more of fashion and glamour related programs in order to be at the first position among the viewers. Most of the channels present the news in the way they want.
Media industry is known the four pillar of our constitution and this pillar are somewhere losing its importance. It is losing its grip which will adversely affect the constitution of India and if the constitution gets disturbed than automatically it will affect our life and safety also. So it's our duty save our media industry from moving on the negative track now and come back on its positive track. A better media will help in making a better constitution of India and a better constitution will make a better India to live in.