Blocking Sweat Glands - Is This Good For Sweating Problems?
There are quite a few people who have some sort of excessive sweating problem.
For many getting rid of this problem is beneficial because you can get rid of odor and moisture which makes one feel much better in a social situation.
For example my friend Jim has sweating problems; he sweats frequently and visibly, often drenching his armpits and other parts of his shirts.
It's uncomfortable, unsightly, and unprofessional in the office.
Can blocking the sweat glands to stop sweat be a good thing? There are many different types of blocked sweat glands some of which are good while others are not so good.
At times you can end up with an infection that can block some of your sweat glands.
This is very common in the armpit area especially if you shave them.
The pores are open to dirt and other things which ends up blocking them.
This is not a positive thing to have happen to you.
Not only can there be health implications but it can be very uncomfortable.
If mild this problem often resolves itself.
At other times bacteria can actually get into a sweat gland and cause some problems.
You need to be using more anti-bacterial soap to prevent this from happening and to help deal with some of the odor that you are having from sweating in these areas of the body.
For either of these types of blocked sweat gland problems, you need to a see a doctor.
There are some positive ways of actually blocking these glands so that you don't sweat as much.
Many might not realize it but antiperspirant is something that actually blocks your sweat glands.
There is some aluminum in them that will actually block your sweat pores and help hold the water in.
There are some commercial powders than can do the same thing by essentially drying out the armpit area making it hard to sweat.
Some people go even further and get botox injections in certain parts of the body.
This is known to reduce quite a bit of sweating in those parts of the body that this procedure is done.
At times a blocked sweat gland can be a bad thing but at other times it is good in that it does help reduce sweating.
If you have any doubts or concerns see your doctor immediately.
You health is not something to take chances with!
For many getting rid of this problem is beneficial because you can get rid of odor and moisture which makes one feel much better in a social situation.
For example my friend Jim has sweating problems; he sweats frequently and visibly, often drenching his armpits and other parts of his shirts.
It's uncomfortable, unsightly, and unprofessional in the office.
Can blocking the sweat glands to stop sweat be a good thing? There are many different types of blocked sweat glands some of which are good while others are not so good.
At times you can end up with an infection that can block some of your sweat glands.
This is very common in the armpit area especially if you shave them.
The pores are open to dirt and other things which ends up blocking them.
This is not a positive thing to have happen to you.
Not only can there be health implications but it can be very uncomfortable.
If mild this problem often resolves itself.
At other times bacteria can actually get into a sweat gland and cause some problems.
You need to be using more anti-bacterial soap to prevent this from happening and to help deal with some of the odor that you are having from sweating in these areas of the body.
For either of these types of blocked sweat gland problems, you need to a see a doctor.
There are some positive ways of actually blocking these glands so that you don't sweat as much.
Many might not realize it but antiperspirant is something that actually blocks your sweat glands.
There is some aluminum in them that will actually block your sweat pores and help hold the water in.
There are some commercial powders than can do the same thing by essentially drying out the armpit area making it hard to sweat.
Some people go even further and get botox injections in certain parts of the body.
This is known to reduce quite a bit of sweating in those parts of the body that this procedure is done.
At times a blocked sweat gland can be a bad thing but at other times it is good in that it does help reduce sweating.
If you have any doubts or concerns see your doctor immediately.
You health is not something to take chances with!