Free Blog Novel: Feeling The Strain? Here"s How To Relax Online
Are you feeling a little pressurized just now? Lots of discouragement and debts probably mounting like there was no tomorrow? In this kind of state, it is very difficult to make a decision, let alone a good one.
My suggestion? Relax with an online novel that is guaranteed to help you escape it all for a while.
The huge advantage of this particular online novel is the fact that it is not too long.
It will take you a short time to read.
But guess what? Within that time, you'll totally be engrossed and lost in a new wold far away, ever read a Robert Ludlum in your life? But this one does not have any boring details, it gets straight into the action.
You'll be transferred from your desktop to the romantic world of bush safaris in virgin Africa, where the Maasai tribe still reign supreme, what a setting this writer chose!! But then it is a story of a man and a woman (both American) who hardly know each other but are thrown together by mysterious circumstances both do not quite understand.
The man is an out of luck former drug junkie unsuccessfully trying to re-build his life as an online entrepreneur.
It is a story of sex and how it affects and relates to true love.
This is one of the most exciting suspenseful stories you have read in a long time, but it is also very thought-provoking.
It has its weaknesses, they're plenty, but with all the suspense, you'll hardly mind them.