Rules Against Workplace Dating
Some people try to hide their relationships from management, but someone always finds out. Many companies today will terminate the parties in violation of the rule of dating. Some people work very well together as boyfriend and girlfriend and eventually get married. Sadly, this is not the case in every situation. Companies make these rules to protect everyone in the workplace. This is also done because of all the hype around sexual harassment. If the companies allow flirting and relationships, the employees are not doing there job and paying attention to their jobs.
Sexual harassment is another reason that can hurt a company if a suit is filed. By regulating dating in the workplace, companies are taking a stand against any possible misdoings. You may think flirting is just a way to get someone's attention that you would like to date, but if the person feels threatened, he or she can file a complaint of sexual harassment. When this happens, the entire company is affected. This is the reason for the rule of no workplace dating. If you want to date someone, it is better to look outside of work.
If you would date someone you work with, imagine how uncomfortable it will be if you break up. If the break up is bitter, it may be very awkward for the parties to be in the same area with each other. When this happens, the entire company feels the tension and the stress. This can affect everyone around the parties. To avoid situations like this, it is better to date someone outside of work. You can be friends and go out in groups to enjoy people you like to be around, but dating should not be the intent of going out. Workplace dating does not benefit everyone.
It is best to avoid dating a co-worker and looking for someone outside of work. The relationship will be better and you will have different things to talk about rather than other co-workers. You can tell each other about your jobs and how your day was. If you would work together, a person who makes you mad might not have done anything to your other half, but if it affects you so it will affect the other person as well. This could divide a workplace because of personal reasons. Workplace dating should be avoided at every cost.