Biodiversity: Way to Sustainable Development
Bio-diversity Conference in Hyderabad
The 11th Conference of Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity which is been held in Hyderabad has turned the attention of the country towards the biodiversity safeguards. The conference is been attended by thousands of experts and government representatives from around 200 countries. The topic of discussion in the week-long conference has been the control of biodiversity loss and ecosystem degradation. Environments enthusiasts can buy online images of the place where the conference is been held. The race which began with the industrial revolution is still going on the developing countries. The development of the developed countries has come at the cost of environmental degradation. The developing countries like India and China are simply following the same path which was walked by the western countries. The high growth rate of the national income is achieved by exploiting the biodiversity.
Unsustainable growth of developing countries
The governments today are in the race to raise the standard of living for humans for which Mother Nature is paying the prize. The lack of appropriate measures in sectors like agriculture, fisheries, mining and infrastructure has led to environmental degradation. The concept of sustainable developmental is very much limited to the research papers. The use of chemical intensive pesticide and fertilizers in the agriculture sector has led to destruction of soil structure. The yearly consumption of these chemicals has increased, thus affecting the farmers in the long run. The agriculture land surrounding the cities is today used for infrastructure development; thus increasing the prize of the food products. You can buy content to get more information about the impacts of unsustainable development on the ecosystem. The rivers are polluted with the open sewage outlets coming from the cities. Also the harmful pesticides and chemicals from the agriculture land affect the underground water.
Impact on the rural population
It is the poor who are mostly affected by the environmental degradation. The rural population has been dependent on environment for its need of medicine, food, clean water and shelter. 57% of the poor rural population in India is dependent on ecosystem for its livelihood. The dams which are constructed to supply water to the cities and industrial areas have thirsty poor people surrounding it. Recently the South Asia Network on Dams, Rivers and People (SANDRP) has asked the government to review the dams and hydropower project to assess its adverse impact on the aquatic biodiversity. Continue to buy news articles to know about the various other organisations which are bringing about developmental change.
Community Based Model
Community based models have proven much success when it came to environmental safeguards. A recent example is that of a women who founded the Forest Protection Women Committee in Gundlaba village near Odisha. The livelihood and mangroves forest of the village was severely destroyed by the cyclone that hit the coast in the year 1999. Since then the team of women has closely worked to rebuild the mangrove forest which acts as a natural protector form the cyclones. The forest cover in the region in the past 12 years has gone up by 63% and fish catch for per family has increased from one kg to five kg. It is important for the government to promote such initiatives. It is only the community in the region that can bring about the sustainable development in the region. It is time that the governments give up their blanket policies and adopt policies promoting people's participation.