How Do You PLAN To Lead?
Although in nearly every case, the key component of becoming a meaningful leader is related to one's planning skills and effectiveness, it is someone amazing that so few individuals that ascend to positions of leadership ever become effective and superior planners.
In the past three plus decades, I have spent a significant amount of time examining and considering the significance of this mindset and technique, and focusing on what it means to plan effectively.
Therefore, anyone desirous of really leading in a significant manner, must take the time, and make the effort, to understand what it means to, and why it is so important to PLAN.
This process must begin by committing to useful preparation.
This means understanding the issues thoroughly and using them in a proactive manner.
Doing this should not merely be a sort of public posture or positioning to make himself appear better and more meaningful, but rather must be assuring that these directly relate to one's true feelings and persona.
All of these must be directed towards maintaining and keeping one's promises, and providing pleasure to constituents, supporters and other stakeholders.
A real leader must always listen effectively (rather than merely hear and talk) to what others say, do and actually mean, and then learning from each and every experience.
Great leaders always proceed with a meaningful and useful logic/ emotional balance.
The concept of passive leadership must be considered as an oxymoron, because how can anyone really lead unless they are consistently action - oriented? When the commitment to acting in a timely and well - considered manner, is combined with a real and positive attitude, one's potential to accomplish more and better, is potentiated and exemplified.
The goals must be to use these traits and mindset, in order to enhance one's aptitude, and be open to and willing to consider alternatives that might be useful and meaningful.
How someone approaches his activities and responsibilities often determines the destiny of his potential legacy! 4.
Everything a leader does must be directed towards being needs - oriented, in a significant manner.
Observe whether someone has the nerve to do what he needs to, and you will better be able to forecast whether that individual is ready and able to lead! Real leaders must never use or rely on blaming others, and must adopt a no excuses approach and mindset.
The reality is that there are true necessities of being a leader, but that none can be achievement without a primary focus and desire for planning.
Are you prepared to PLAN to lead? If you don't want to commit to that, maybe you should not become involved in leadership!
In the past three plus decades, I have spent a significant amount of time examining and considering the significance of this mindset and technique, and focusing on what it means to plan effectively.
Therefore, anyone desirous of really leading in a significant manner, must take the time, and make the effort, to understand what it means to, and why it is so important to PLAN.
This process must begin by committing to useful preparation.
This means understanding the issues thoroughly and using them in a proactive manner.
Doing this should not merely be a sort of public posture or positioning to make himself appear better and more meaningful, but rather must be assuring that these directly relate to one's true feelings and persona.
All of these must be directed towards maintaining and keeping one's promises, and providing pleasure to constituents, supporters and other stakeholders.
A real leader must always listen effectively (rather than merely hear and talk) to what others say, do and actually mean, and then learning from each and every experience.
Great leaders always proceed with a meaningful and useful logic/ emotional balance.
The concept of passive leadership must be considered as an oxymoron, because how can anyone really lead unless they are consistently action - oriented? When the commitment to acting in a timely and well - considered manner, is combined with a real and positive attitude, one's potential to accomplish more and better, is potentiated and exemplified.
The goals must be to use these traits and mindset, in order to enhance one's aptitude, and be open to and willing to consider alternatives that might be useful and meaningful.
How someone approaches his activities and responsibilities often determines the destiny of his potential legacy! 4.
Everything a leader does must be directed towards being needs - oriented, in a significant manner.
Observe whether someone has the nerve to do what he needs to, and you will better be able to forecast whether that individual is ready and able to lead! Real leaders must never use or rely on blaming others, and must adopt a no excuses approach and mindset.
The reality is that there are true necessities of being a leader, but that none can be achievement without a primary focus and desire for planning.
Are you prepared to PLAN to lead? If you don't want to commit to that, maybe you should not become involved in leadership!