Termite Barrier Application Method
- 1). Rent a 100-gallon sprayer if you can locate one. Otherwise, a 5-gallon garden sprayer works, although it requires more time to refill it with the liquid termiticide.
- 2). Dig a trench directly around the perimeter of your home. Make the trench both 6 inches wide and deep. Do this with a trenching tool or pickax.
- 3). Add the termiticide to the sprayer according to the directions on the label.
- 4). Spray 4 gallons of the termiticide into the trench. An effective treatment requires 4 gallons for every 10 feet.
- 5). Replace the soil back into the trench while it is filled with the termiticide. Do this with a shovel. If the ground absorbs the product before you can do this, spray additional termiticide on the soil once you replace it. This provides protection in all the soil around the perimeter.
- 6). Drill holes into concrete slabs around garages, patios or a porch area with a hammer drill and the drill bit. Make the holes about 10 feet apart and approximately 4 inches from the foundation.
- 7). Fill the holes with 4 gallons of termiticide for every 10 feet. Use a funnel to do this or a direct stream from the sprayer.
- 8). Patch the drill holes with a concrete patch filler. Follow the directions on the label to apply it.