Using Tap Water to Make Baby Formula - A Practice of the Past
I am sure that I am not the only one that is simply appalled at the idea of people still using tap water to make baby formula.
Maybe I am simply naïve, but I truly believed that was a practice of the past.
After all that we've heard about the number of pollutants that are in our drinking water, how could you give it to a baby? There are literally tens of thousands of chemical agents that have made their way into our reservoir system over the last few decades.
Many of these chemicals are known to have carcinogenic properties.
Why would anyone think that these toxins wouldn't hurt an infant or toddler? There are also parasites, cysts, and bacteria in our drinking water that chlorine disinfection has failed to kill.
These microbes can make a healthy adult very, very ill, and your baby has still not fully developed his or her immune system.
Why would you using tap water to make baby formula? These parasites and cysts can make your baby ill enough that it could die.
Every year thousands of children around the world die from viruses contracted by drinking unfiltered tap water, and it doesn't only happen in third world countries as you might like to think.
These deaths also happen in places like America.
I see that at some grocery stores they have a section of water marked "baby bottle water".
The bottled water industry is regulated more loosely that the drinking water treatment facilities are, so buying this bottled water may be no better than using tap water to make baby formula.
What I believe would be an even better option for you is to simply purchase a home water purification system.
Your whole family could then enjoy the benefits of drinking clean, pure water without having to worry about ingesting any more harmful contaminants.
So, what will you need to get started? The purchase of a simple point of use unit will forever eliminate the dangers of using tap water to make baby formula.
You can purchase one for around $125 that will give you all of the protective features that are necessary in order to remove 99.
99% of the contaminants from your drinking water.
Be sure that the unit in question features an activated granular carbon filter with a multi media block.
This will eliminate the chemical threats from your baby's water.
Then it should include a sub micron filter in order to rid your water of the dangerous parasites and bacteria so that waterborne disease is no longer a problem.
The other thing that your unit should feature is an ion exchange unit in order to remove traces of heavy metals such as lead and copper.
These metals over time leach off into the water.
You don't ever want to be using tap water to make baby formula that may contain lead in it.
This can cause brain damage.
Once your all suited up you'll never again have to worry about using tap water to make baby formula.
Maybe I am simply naïve, but I truly believed that was a practice of the past.
After all that we've heard about the number of pollutants that are in our drinking water, how could you give it to a baby? There are literally tens of thousands of chemical agents that have made their way into our reservoir system over the last few decades.
Many of these chemicals are known to have carcinogenic properties.
Why would anyone think that these toxins wouldn't hurt an infant or toddler? There are also parasites, cysts, and bacteria in our drinking water that chlorine disinfection has failed to kill.
These microbes can make a healthy adult very, very ill, and your baby has still not fully developed his or her immune system.
Why would you using tap water to make baby formula? These parasites and cysts can make your baby ill enough that it could die.
Every year thousands of children around the world die from viruses contracted by drinking unfiltered tap water, and it doesn't only happen in third world countries as you might like to think.
These deaths also happen in places like America.
I see that at some grocery stores they have a section of water marked "baby bottle water".
The bottled water industry is regulated more loosely that the drinking water treatment facilities are, so buying this bottled water may be no better than using tap water to make baby formula.
What I believe would be an even better option for you is to simply purchase a home water purification system.
Your whole family could then enjoy the benefits of drinking clean, pure water without having to worry about ingesting any more harmful contaminants.
So, what will you need to get started? The purchase of a simple point of use unit will forever eliminate the dangers of using tap water to make baby formula.
You can purchase one for around $125 that will give you all of the protective features that are necessary in order to remove 99.
99% of the contaminants from your drinking water.
Be sure that the unit in question features an activated granular carbon filter with a multi media block.
This will eliminate the chemical threats from your baby's water.
Then it should include a sub micron filter in order to rid your water of the dangerous parasites and bacteria so that waterborne disease is no longer a problem.
The other thing that your unit should feature is an ion exchange unit in order to remove traces of heavy metals such as lead and copper.
These metals over time leach off into the water.
You don't ever want to be using tap water to make baby formula that may contain lead in it.
This can cause brain damage.
Once your all suited up you'll never again have to worry about using tap water to make baby formula.