Can a Baby Be Dead & the Uterus Still Keep Growing?
- The first symptoms of fetal demise may be the absence of pregnancy symptoms such as nausea and fatigue.broken egg image by kryptajuliett from
Cramping and bleeding may occur once a baby has died in utero, but not always immediately. A woman may notice a decrease in pregnancy symptoms such as nausea and breast tenderness as the first sign that things are not normal. - Pregnancy loss is a personal grief.lonely girl image by GARY MARSHALL from
Fundal height is the measurement from the pubic bone to the top of the uterus; it increases in size as the baby grows. A decrease in measurement can be an indication of growth restriction or fetal death. Growth of the uterus with the absence of fetal heart tones could be an indication of a molar or partial molar pregnancy. This is an abnormality of the placenta, which causes rapid, atypical growth of the placenta. Ultrasound can confirm this condition. - Women who experience pregnancy loss need time to heal emotionally and physically.candle in the dark image by berean from
After the loss of an unborn baby, many women find themselves struggling alone. In addition to the hormonal changes of the postpartum period, they may experience milk production in their breasts and a feeling of emptiness in their abdomen as they adjust to the loss. These women need support and time to heal both emotionally and physically.