The Three Worst Mistakes After A Breakup
But even if you don't reconcile with your ex, it's important to preserve your self-respect and the civility of your relationship afterwards. That said, below are the three worst mistakes after a breakup that could jeopardize those factors the most.
Error #1: Sleeping With the Ex's Best Friend. Not only will you hate yourself for this, your ex will too, and with the trust and respect gone, the chances of you getting back together or remaining civil to each other may be ruined forever.
Error #2: Blaming Yourself: Even if you initiated the break up you may still beat yourself up for it. Blaming yourself could generate hostility toward your ex and threaten the well-being of your future relationship.
Error #3: Drinking and Dialing: What can I say about this one? Friends don't let friends Drunk Dial. If you go out drinking, pissed as you know what, go with friends and leave the cell phone at HOME. And when your friends take you home, leave the phone where it's at. Telling your ex what you think of him or her in your drunken state will lead only to regret and shame and make apologizing for your behavior afterwards nearly impossible to do.
If you've committed one or more of these errors, don't panic. There's a website I've listed below that can rectify or minimize the damage done. It contains some of the best advice on how to restore your relationships and make them better.
It bears repeating, here, I believe, that even if the two of you don't reconcile, preserving your self-respect is what's most important here. Remaining in balance during this difficult period will provide you with the clarity and strength you need to move forward in your life, whatever direction that may be. It will also serve to remind your ex why he or she fell in love with you in the first place.
Please check out the website below and learn more ways to restore your sanity, self-respect, and, possibly, your former relationship. Good Luck, Friend.