How to Build an Indoor Playhouse for Kids
- 1). Gather together simple household items that you can use for constructing a playhouse, such as bedsheets, cushions from the couch, blankets and pillows. Additional items may include cardboard boxes and chairs. Add the child's toys and any special items he enjoys for use in the playhouse.
- 2). Clear space in the living room around the couch or your child's room by the bed. The space available for the playhouse is obviously limited by the room size. Allow some room outside the playhouse for normal movements around the home. Place the playhouse along an outside wall with a window if the child wants a house with a view. Keep the playhouse in the center of the room if the child wants more of a private retreat.
- 3). Form the structure of the playhouse or fort using the couch or bed as one wall. Place the tallest chairs opposite each other to create a peak for the roof you'll create with the blankets or sheets. Prop the cushions and pillows against them to form the other walls. Use any furniture in the home to add to the walls. End tables placed as a wall piece can allow the child to peak out of the playhouse.
- 4). Erect a roof using a blanket or sheet by draping it across the walls that you have assembled. Use another sheet or blanket to form the door. Fasten sheets and blankets together with clothes pins or safety pins to hold the "house" together.
- 5). Fashion furniture out of cardboard boxes and additional pillows and cushions. Add any of the child's toys to the playhouse to create a cozy area for play.