Change Your Life With the Top 6 Healing Crystals
Each crystal, regardless of its composition or classification, possesses some specific energy vibrations which makes it suitable for healing. For ages, crystals have been known to release healing energy. Crystals work by naturally focusing the body's innate energies, which disperse and balance mental, emotional and psychic stress. They help people make desired changes in every aspect of their lives. Earth is aboundingwitha huge variety of crystals and each one has its own specified field. It is in your hands to identify the root cause of your problems and find the right crystal to work towards solving your problem. Take a look at the list of the most powerful healing crystals; you may stumble upon the right one by chance.
Blue Kyanite
If you are bogged down with back problems, Blue Kyanite is your last resort. It has a magical effect on all back-related problems. It will treat your muscular problems to bring your back into alignment. It relieves pain and heals the throat, thyroid and urogenital system as well. It controls blood pressure, heals infections and helps shedexcess weight too.
If you want to keep negative energies at bay, Malachite is the crystal you need to use. It is a very powerful crystal when it comes to protection against negative radiation, as it soaks them and guards you against them. It heals your sexual organs and treats all problems related to your reproductive system. It treats asthma, arthritis, fractures, and swollen joints and controls the liver too.
Green & Orange Calcite
If you desire peace and prosperity in life, Green Calcite is your stone. It attracts the energies of financial bounty, ideal health, intellect, emotional well-being and prosperity. Orange calcite brings in love and creativity. If you feel that your creative or sexual energies are blocked, use orange calcite to allow your creative juices flow. It heals reproductive and sexual disorders and mitigates depression. It helps with chronic fatigue, emotional fears and mental breakdown as well.
Citrine is the sunshine stone and carries the energies of abundance. It attracts wealth, prosperity and all good things in your life. It enhances your self-esteem and confidence and is excellent for recharging or re-energizing your spirits. It helps with constipation and reduction of cellulite. It cleans the blood and consolidates the nerves. It brings in the energies of confidence, clarity and joy in your life.
Chrysocolla is best for people suffering from bone diseases or arthritic pain. It soothes burns, strengthens the thyroid system and benefits the body metabolism too. Chrysocolla releases tranquil energy which absorbs the negative energies and brings serenity in your life. This stone will bring harmony in your life.
Amethyst is a powerful crystal with high spiritual vibration which checks psychic attacks. It tranquilizes you naturally and brings about higher levels of consciousness in you. It drives away feelings of anger, fear and anxiety. It allows you to follow your intuition and receive spiritual guidance. It helps connect your mental, physical and emotional chords to the spiritual being.
Crystals have a very strong effect on all those who wear these. However, you must be very careful while selecting one for you. Wearing the wrong one will do more harm than good.
Blue Kyanite
If you are bogged down with back problems, Blue Kyanite is your last resort. It has a magical effect on all back-related problems. It will treat your muscular problems to bring your back into alignment. It relieves pain and heals the throat, thyroid and urogenital system as well. It controls blood pressure, heals infections and helps shedexcess weight too.
If you want to keep negative energies at bay, Malachite is the crystal you need to use. It is a very powerful crystal when it comes to protection against negative radiation, as it soaks them and guards you against them. It heals your sexual organs and treats all problems related to your reproductive system. It treats asthma, arthritis, fractures, and swollen joints and controls the liver too.
Green & Orange Calcite
If you desire peace and prosperity in life, Green Calcite is your stone. It attracts the energies of financial bounty, ideal health, intellect, emotional well-being and prosperity. Orange calcite brings in love and creativity. If you feel that your creative or sexual energies are blocked, use orange calcite to allow your creative juices flow. It heals reproductive and sexual disorders and mitigates depression. It helps with chronic fatigue, emotional fears and mental breakdown as well.
Citrine is the sunshine stone and carries the energies of abundance. It attracts wealth, prosperity and all good things in your life. It enhances your self-esteem and confidence and is excellent for recharging or re-energizing your spirits. It helps with constipation and reduction of cellulite. It cleans the blood and consolidates the nerves. It brings in the energies of confidence, clarity and joy in your life.
Chrysocolla is best for people suffering from bone diseases or arthritic pain. It soothes burns, strengthens the thyroid system and benefits the body metabolism too. Chrysocolla releases tranquil energy which absorbs the negative energies and brings serenity in your life. This stone will bring harmony in your life.
Amethyst is a powerful crystal with high spiritual vibration which checks psychic attacks. It tranquilizes you naturally and brings about higher levels of consciousness in you. It drives away feelings of anger, fear and anxiety. It allows you to follow your intuition and receive spiritual guidance. It helps connect your mental, physical and emotional chords to the spiritual being.
Crystals have a very strong effect on all those who wear these. However, you must be very careful while selecting one for you. Wearing the wrong one will do more harm than good.