Bottle Requirements for Vending Machines
- The first vending machine was made in Alexandria, Egypt, and served water.soda citron image by jergA from
Vending machines are a simple solution to busy lives, providing people with beverages and food in offices, airports and college campus, to name a few locations. Most beverage vending machines are now a combination of bottle and can beverages, but there are still bottled beverage-only vending machines available. - Most bottles that are placed in vending machines are 16, 20 or 24 oz.
- The larger the bottle, the fewer the number that can be stored within the vending machine. Most modern vending machines are meant to vend a variety of beverages, from 20-to 24-oz. bottles of soda or sport beverages to 16-oz. water bottles.
- Most vending machines have a capacity of 350 to 500 bottled beverages depending on the size of bottle. There are usually six to 12 selections available on a vending machine, and the more selections available, the more bottles that can be stored within the machine.