Video: Halloween Party Drinks for Kids
Video Transcript
Hi, I'm Matt Cail and on behalf of Expert Village I'm here today to show you how to throw a Halloween party for your kids. So with all that candy and excitement the kids are going to be running around, they're going to be sweating of course, add in the costumes they can also easily get over heated. Which means you're going to need a lot of things to drink at your party and there's a couple of things to keep in mind with what you have to drink. First off when you think about children eating candy they're already getting sugar that way if you add in a lot of sugar on top of that with what they're drinking you can very easily get the sugar overload. So watch what children drink just as much as what they're eating because again when you add in what they're drinking with what they're eating you can get sugar overload again. Make sure they're having fluids regularly though you don't want the children to over heat, we don't want problems, and they will not realize exactly how to hydrate or heated they become. Something else I also recommend staying away from carbonated drinks why is this? Often times they're sugary, they're at least healthy, and also whenever you're adding in carbonation on top of a lot of sugary candies you can get an upset tummy, recipe very easily. You don't want children getting sick so go with some other like more fun but less carbonated less sugary drinks you might make a nice punch that's low sugar. Have some ice tea with a little bit of sugar in it but stay away from the super sugary and carbonated drinks.