Ozone Discolysis - A Painless and Safe Way to Get Rid of Disk Destruction in Your Body
The process of injecting a disc with ozone, is called Ozone Discolysis.
This is a kind of treatment that can be regarded as a natural remedy to cure herniated cervical discs. There are evidences about active disk diseases that can ultimately lead to disk destruction. One of them is genetic influence. The thing that drives disk matrix destruction is the imbalance between metaloproteases and some natural inhibitors. When a patient becomes a victim of disk destruction, his/her body only responds medications that are non-steroid. Ozone Discolysis, when performed by an experienced physician, can ensure a natural treatment and it can provide results like surgeries. About 80 percent of patients who have tried this treatment, have benefited. The plus point of this treatment is that it is ambulatory; which means the patient gets released from the hospital the very same day of the treatment.
Ozone is an oxidizing agent. When it is injected in para vertebral muscles, it boosts the process of making antioxidant enzymes that prevent the toxic by-products which secrete from the ruptured nucleus to create any effect in the body. These by-products are responsible for nerve swelling. The Ozone Discolysis results in boosting the speed of polyglucosis degradation which then results in reducing the size of the swollen area.
When it comes to results, Ozone Discolysis does not show any instantaneous result like that in the surgery. It takes a couple of days for your body to react to the treatment. But the benefit is much greater than surgery because your body gets to heal itself naturally, without changing its anatomy. It is actually a complication-free treatment that ensures safety besides cure for your body. Its benefits include:
• As opposed to surgery, a number of discs can be injected with ozone at a time. • Lesser infection risk as compared to surgery.
• The cost is much lesser than surgery.
• A re-treatment can be performed if the initial treatment does not work. In order to conduct this operation, myelography is required to find out the area where the disk is prolapsed and also to differentiate a rupture from other types of spine pathology. Ozone Discolysis is a less painful process than surgery and it is performed in mainly 3 steps:
• Sedating the patient or performing a local anesthesia while keeping a stringent radiological control. This is done to ensure the ozone is injected in the right place. • Injecting ozone on the para vertebral muscles.
• Injecting ozone on the para vertebral muscles again, a week later.
Not only on the disk itself, but ozone is effective on the surrounding tissues also around the disk. So nowadays people are opting for this as a alternative way to medical surgeries.
Read more useful information on Ozone Discolysis and how Ozone Discectomy nowadays is considered to be a safe & effective way for the treatment of prolapsed disc (PIVD) over spine surgery.