Bubbler Question
Bubble wands are nifty, but are they absolutely necessary for your fish? This archived forum discussion answers that question. Visit the forum for current discussions about this and other topics.
8/2/06 From: CubFan4Ever To: All
Hello- Does a freshwater tank have to have air bubbles blown into it? I have a very tall 55-gallon tank. I bought a long, thin "bubble blower" (for lack of a better term).
The idea was to have the bubbles streaming up the back wall of the tank. I cannot get the dang suction cups to stay and it keeps coming apart. Is it necessary to have the bubbles? Should I get something else?
Thanks in advance for any advice!!
8/2/06 From: mwhite4823 To: CubFan4Ever
We used to think that an air bubbler adds oxygen to the tank. Actually the bubbles do not dissolve oxygen into the water, but they do agitate the water surface which helps to exchange oxygen and CO2 at the surface. A water return or powerhead that roils the surface will do the same. You don't say how tall the tank is. If it is 30" or so, then it probably has enough water surface area to exchange the gases by itself. If you have one of the column aquaria, that is, 15 inches in diameter and 60 inches tall, then you probably do need some extra help. Otherwise, you can use the bubbles for decoration or to hide tubing, etc..
8/2/06 From: westwood8183 To: CubFan4Ever
No you don't need the bubbler, it's primarily for our enjoyment.
Just make sure your filter provides some adequate surface agitation and you should be fine.
8/16/06 From: Hobbs To: CubFan4Ever
It does look cool to have the bubbles coming up the back. The cups are probably not sticking due to algae on the glass so you may want to wipe it clear first. I bury the wand under the gravel and it still remain in place and fish love those bubbles.
10/8/06 From: RonRussell To: CubFan4Ever
Many stores sell a bubbler which looks like a long, wedge shaped airstone, and is heavy enough to lie on the bottom without needing suction cups. Most of those I've seen are either blue or green. I have one of these in my turtle tank, works well.
10/9/06 From: mikaka To: CubFan4Ever
I also used to think that i have to have the air stones. i still like having them, and they look great on the back wall, but they are not nessesary at all.
10/9/06 From: cpjp1029 To: CubFan4Ever
I know many people have answered your question about the bubbler, I like having bubbles in my 55 gallon tank, and I notice my fish having a great time in the bubbles, I have been told they really enjoy the bubbles hitting their bellies, that it's like a massage for them, my sons goldfish even started doing somersaults in the bubbles. I even find my fish fighting with each other if there is not enough room for ALL of them to get into the bubbles at the same time. It's actually very fun to watch, but again it's only an added delight, not necessary. If you wipe your glass down real good with an algae sponge this should help the suction cup stick better and also putting some weight on the wands will help too. Good Luck!
10/9/06 From: tggybrat To: CubFan4Ever
Hi- I know exactly which bubbler you are talking about as I had been using the same one. It is supposed to provide a "wall of bubbles". I had the same problems as you- the suction cups wouldn't stay stuck, it kept coming apart in the middle etc etc. I solved the problem by throwing it out and attaching a fairly large black bubble stone to the air supply. I then put the gravel over the airstone and let it bubble. I would think this would provide the same effect as the other one and it is much easier! Hope this helps!
10/10/06 From: tess1956 To: CubFan4Ever
I have a 20 gal. hex. I have two air stones & a air hose (I forget what the hose is called).The air hose is in back so bubbles can go up the wall.The hose is black & it is weighted so there is no cups to mess with. It is also flaxable so you can bend it (mine is bend in two ).It has fine bubbles & I just love mine. I just wipe it off when I do my weekly cleaning.
10/10/06 From: CubFan4Ever To: tess1956
Thanks for everyone's advice! In just the last two weeks however, I have had to do away with the big tank. My current one is not as tall. It is much easier to manage and I can keep the bubbler hidden under the rocks. I still have a beautiful wall of bubbles....they are just a little bigger. The fish still play in them all the time.
10/11/06 From: asiantsl To: mikaka
Hi, even though bubble wands looks nice in a tall tank because the deeper your tank is ...the longer the bubbles take to reach the surface, and the long stream of bubble really look great with that purplish color from your flourescent light ! Don't you agree?
But the truth of the matter is NO! bubble wands/ air stones are not MANDATORY, what is mandatory is having your water moving on the surface, because this is HOW and WHERE the Good Oxygen gets into the water for your fish and plants ( if you have a planted, live tank).
Hope this little infor helps.. TSL/NYC
10/13/06 From: ReefWilly To: asiantsl
Many years ago, back in Chicago, Illinois, I knew a man (scientist) who studied fish and wrote many books on the subject,. His observations on air stone and bubblers was that they served a purpose. His theory was that with no bubbles to break the surface of the water. The water surface would eventually build up a layer of household dust and eventually cut off the the air and gas exchange. The fish would die. The bubbles serve the purpose of breaking up the surface of the water and prevent the house dust from accumulating. His name was George Myers. I took his words as gospel.
10/13/06 From: mikaka To: asiantsl
u are exactly right
10/17/06 From: westwood8183 To: ReefWilly
A power filter should provide plenty of surface agitation to not require an air stone.