How to Fix a 1991 Colt Air Soft Gun
- 1). Pull the magazine clip out of the Colt 1911's handle, and place it aside. Pull the cocking plate on the top of the Colt back to reveal the firing chamber. Turn the Colt over to eject any ammo that might be caught in the firing chamber. Turn the Colt right side up, and release the cocking plate. Press the trigger to release the hammer that was pulled back when you worked the cocking plate.
- 2). Place a hand towel on a table to protect the surface. Place the Colt 1911 on the towel with the barrel facing to the right.
- 3). Place the tip of a slotted screwdriver against the locking pin that is above and to the left of the trigger guard. Push the pin in with the tip of the screwdriver. Grip the pin when it emerges from the other side with the jaws of a needle-nose pliers. Pull the pin out with the pliers. Slide the cocking plate on the top of the Colt toward the barrel and off.
- 4). Place the cocking plate on the towel with the open compartment facing up. Push in on the wide-mouthed end of the plate with your fingers to compress the spring connected to the plastic cap at the end of the plate. Release your fingers so that the spring attached to the plastic cap can force the cap out of the end of the plate.
- 5). Grip the plastic cap, and pull it and the attached spring out of the cocking plate. Stand the spring, plastic cap down, on the towel.
- 6). Put on the work gloves. Hold the plastic cap steady with one hand. Place the palm of your other hand on the top of the spring. Compress the spring until it is forced at least halfway toward the plastic cap. Hold the spring in this position for at least two minutes -- hold it for three or four minutes if you are able to.
- 7). Release the spring. Place the spring into the cocking plate so that the plastic cap is again in the position it was in formerly. Twist the plastic cap with your fingers to lock it into the end of the cocking plate.
- 8). Turn the cocking plate over. Slide the cocking plate, plastic cap end first, onto the Colt from the end of the barrel until it is stopped by the hammer. Push an end of the locking pin into the hole in the side of the Colt. Place the tip of the screwdriver against the end of the locking pin, and force it the rest of the way into the hole. Insert the magazine clip into the handle of the Colt.