A Computer, A Computer Such a Time Saving Toy
I follow its travels by a blink and a flash, Thinking this computer will return on the dash! But to my amazement, I see by the light, If I wait for computer, I might wait 'til night! I turn to the screen, posed on my left, I start tapping away, with fingers so deft.
Aha says I, to that old number one, I won't wait for you, to get the job done! Just then a beep, number two has gone down, Quickly I spin, my great chair around! For I have another, that numbers at three, How many computers, shall it be for me? The age that I live in, requires great speed, And money to spend, on the computers I need.
I know as I type, this job must get done, I have no time at all, to spend on my fun.
For information comes in, as quick as a wink, Much quicker than I, can type or can think! I must stay at Computer, from sunup till sundown, If I am to afford, nights out on the town.
My pockets are full, with monies galore, As I have no time, to shop at the store.
I race and I hurry, to stay ahead of the game, For I am told 'tis the way, to fortune and fame! I hope by the end, of this life I'll find, I'm thankful for the knowledge, that boggles my mind.
Or perhaps I shall see, as I sit quiet and still, The Greatest Wisdom of all, is a gift not a skill!