Negligent Drivers and Pedestrian Accidents
Despite cross walks and other traffic laws created to protect pedestrians, each year approximately 64,000 people are struck by cars while walking and, 5,000 are killed.
Negligent drivers The majority of pedestrian accidents are caused by negligent drivers.
Common causes of pedestrian accidents include: Driver Errors •Drivers under the influence of drugs or alcohol-Motorists who are driving while under the influence of alcohol or other mind altering drugs may have slower reaction times or impaired vision, making it difficult to see or avoid pedestrians.
•Traffic law violations-Driving above the speed limit will decreases a driver's allotted time to avoid a collision (also called driving pillow).
For this reason, speeding increases one's chances of being involved in an accident.
External Factors Sometimes, circumstances surrounding a pedestrian accident are also out of the driver's control.
For example, •Motor vehicle defects-.
If their vehicle malfunctions, such as their brakes, they may be unable to avoid a collision.
•Road defects-Roadway defects, such as obstacles in the road, construction projects, or other factors can affect a driver's ability to avoid an accident.
•Impaired or hindered visibility-Poor lighting, either by broken headlights or inadequate street lights, or rainy/adverse weather conditions may make it difficult for drivers to see pedestrians.
Despite decreased visibility, drivers will still be liable for injuries in these cases.
Pedestrian Errors While the majority of accidents involving pedestrians are not their fault, occasionally it is.
For example, •Pedestrians who are under the influence of alcohol or other mind altering substances may behave erratically or haphazardly, such as intentionally walking in front of vehicles.
•Walkers who fail to obey crosswalks may compromise their own safety.
Liability More than 50% of accidents involving pedestrians and cars are fatal for the walker.
If not lethal, it is likely that they have incurred serious injuries that could permanently altar their lifestyle.
If you or someone you love has been injured by a negligent driver, you may be eligible to receive compensation for your medical expenses, pain and suffering, lost wages, or wrongful death.