You Need Help To Become A Better You
You need the help of Others to Become a Better You
This message is super critical so please read it carefully if you want to become a better you. First of all you are not superman and neither am I. This fact helps to underscore the need for support from others. It is possible to improve without the help of others but it is harder to do so. You need to give yourself every option that you can and to make the process as easy as possible. Lets not do things the hard way if we dont have to.
Have you ever heard the saying It takes a village to raise a child. Well it takes positive reinforcement to help you to improve. You need help just like the child. If you look at the lives of most people of fame you will notice that they are surrounded by people who help and support them. Even though their supporters may be well paid they are paid to support. When they have their planning meetings they dont need people around that will throw water on the fire. They need people around them who will help them to get to where they want to go.
You need people around you who will tell you like it is. They should want you to succeed. This means that you may have to cut some people off. Do what you have to do. It doesnt mean that you dont love them it just means that your paths are a little bit different at the present time.
Old habits are hard to break, and they are even harder to break when you are hanging around negative people or those who reinforce old habits. Consider yourself to be at war with the old habits. You have to do whatever you have to in order to win. Starve the old habit by not supplying it with fuel. Then it will be easier for you to break.
Even though you will use a support system you are the bottom line. The buck stops with you. You dont have them to blame for whatever your failures may be. The end result will be the substance of your grit and determination. You can do it.
Even the best marathon runner in the world gets exhausted during the race. Sometimes your progress will not be where you want it to be. Just keep moving forward. If it gets too hard just concentrate on taking one step at a time. You may have to rest between steps. Thats OK. Take a small timed break and get back to work. You can do it.
Look for people who also want to improve to be a part of your team. You may have to encourage them every once in awhile. Watch the actions of people who you know are successful. Determine the qualities that they have which make them successful and emulate them. It will take some time but the important thing is not to give in.
State your goals out loud. Let your supporters know what they are. Vocalize them to yourself from time to time. Most importantly write them down. When you write it reinforces the action to your subconscious mind.
This message is super critical so please read it carefully if you want to become a better you. First of all you are not superman and neither am I. This fact helps to underscore the need for support from others. It is possible to improve without the help of others but it is harder to do so. You need to give yourself every option that you can and to make the process as easy as possible. Lets not do things the hard way if we dont have to.
Have you ever heard the saying It takes a village to raise a child. Well it takes positive reinforcement to help you to improve. You need help just like the child. If you look at the lives of most people of fame you will notice that they are surrounded by people who help and support them. Even though their supporters may be well paid they are paid to support. When they have their planning meetings they dont need people around that will throw water on the fire. They need people around them who will help them to get to where they want to go.
You need people around you who will tell you like it is. They should want you to succeed. This means that you may have to cut some people off. Do what you have to do. It doesnt mean that you dont love them it just means that your paths are a little bit different at the present time.
Old habits are hard to break, and they are even harder to break when you are hanging around negative people or those who reinforce old habits. Consider yourself to be at war with the old habits. You have to do whatever you have to in order to win. Starve the old habit by not supplying it with fuel. Then it will be easier for you to break.
Even though you will use a support system you are the bottom line. The buck stops with you. You dont have them to blame for whatever your failures may be. The end result will be the substance of your grit and determination. You can do it.
Even the best marathon runner in the world gets exhausted during the race. Sometimes your progress will not be where you want it to be. Just keep moving forward. If it gets too hard just concentrate on taking one step at a time. You may have to rest between steps. Thats OK. Take a small timed break and get back to work. You can do it.
Look for people who also want to improve to be a part of your team. You may have to encourage them every once in awhile. Watch the actions of people who you know are successful. Determine the qualities that they have which make them successful and emulate them. It will take some time but the important thing is not to give in.
State your goals out loud. Let your supporters know what they are. Vocalize them to yourself from time to time. Most importantly write them down. When you write it reinforces the action to your subconscious mind.