How to Use a Business Card to Help Your Golf Swing
- 1). Set your golf ball on the ground or on your mat for your practice net. Do not tee it up.
- 2). Lay your business card about 2 inches in front of the ball with one of the two short sides facing the ball.
- 3). Lay your golf club head behind the ball with the bottom edge of the club head flat on the floor or ground.
- 4). Address the golf ball and grip the club normally. Your grip may differ slightly depending on how you hold your club.
- 5). Keep the ball in line with your left heel if you are right-handed or your right heel if you are left-handed for longer clubs such as a wood or long iron. Move the ball back in your stance slightly for shorter clubs such as short irons or wedges.
- 6). Swing the club back in a full back swing. Remember to keep your forward arm (left if you are right-handed and right if you are left-handed) straight and in front of your chest.
- 7). Hit down at the ball using a full swing. You want the club to hit the ball before rising in your follow-through swing.
- 8). Hit the business card after hitting the golf ball as you start your follow through swing.