Are air rowing machines the best solution for you?
The first point that we'd like to point out is the fact that air rowing machines make noise. Each time you pull on the pull bar, you cause the flywheel located at the end of the machine to spin. This creates an audible noise each time you run the machine through the three cycles of staging, pulling and recovery. While this can be reassuring to many users who need to hear the results of their efforts, it can also be quite distracting to others in your household, especially if your workouts happen in the early morning.
If you're stuck between a piston and an air rowing machine, you will want to see how adjustable the resistance levels are on both. The pistons rowers has very limited ability to select various levels of resistance, if at all. By comparison an air rowing machine generally has a number or resistance settings for you to select based on the overall goals you've set for your workout. For instance, long workouts with low levels of resistance help tone muscles and burn fat. High resistance workouts help build muscle mass, both in your lower and upper body.
Lastly, you'll want to consider pricing. While an air indoor fitness machine is not the most expensive inside rower on the market, it is not the cheapest either. Depending on the manufacturer and model of machine you select, you can expect to pay anywhere from $200 up to in excess of $1,000. Higher priced rowing machines will generally be much better constructed and offer additional features such as magnetic resistance on the flywheel or customized training settings in the control panel.