Killers of Intimacy in Marriage
1. Busy Schedule: A lot of spouses are too busy to be together with their mates. Learn how to talk, play, and pray together. Do not be too busy for your spouse, it can destroy any home.
2. Lack of Focus: Most couples don't make each other their major priority. Most men takes their work first and to most women, their children comes first.
3. Lack of Communication: Communication is the key to intimacy, you can never be intimate with a closed mouth. communication foster the love and togetherness in a marriage.
4. Television: The only time some couples spend together at home is spent watching television. They find it difficult to spend time to talk; no wonder many marriages are damaged like our television remote control.
5. Failure to Pray Together:The inability of couples praying together will definitely destroy their spiritual and physical intimacy. Couples that want to stay together must pray together.
6. Act of Unforgiving: Couples that refuses to forgive each other can never be intimate. Learn how to forgive your spouse it will help your marriage to get back its beauty.
7. Lack of Privacy: Intimacy is always difficult where couples are not staying alone in their room. Children should be allowed to sleep in their own rooms. Couples should be in their own personal room together on the same bed.
8. Poor Leadership: Where the man is a dictator and lording over the woman, intimacy will be difficult.
9. Bad Company: In any marriage where the woman is stubborn, difficult, quarrelsome, disrespectful, there will be a loss of intimacy. This could be as a result of keeping bad friends or company.
10. Third Party Interference: Where a third party is allowed to drive the affair at home, it will set the couple apart. Third party could be in form of the in-laws, friends or relatives who interfere with the family issues
11. Infidelity: Lack of trust and infidelity is another killer of intimacy.
12. Distance: Couples that stays in different cities, house or bedroom do find intimacy difficult. Distance stands as a threat to the unity and togetherness in marriage.
13. Absence of Romance: Lack of romance, jokes, playfulness and togetherness in any marriage is an enemy of intimacy.
14. Absence of Intimate Sex: If couples is fond of fighting it out anytime they want to have sex together, it will affect intimacy. therefore allow sex to take its natural way in your marriage