How to Train to Be a Title Abstractor
- 1). Apply for a position in a title insurance company or with a real estate attorney. Although most prefer to hire experienced searchers and examiners, some may be willing to train. Showing a willingness to learn a new skill, an interest in the field, and a desire for a long-term position with the company may make you its newest employee. Related experience in any field of real estate is also a plus.
- 2). Enroll in a college course in real estate title examination if you are unable to acquire a job in the field. This course will most likely be offered as part of a paralegal studies program at a junior or technical college. Classes will generally give a broad overview of the procedure required to search and examine title and a basic knowledge of issues that may arise with a parcel of land or the owners of that land during the search and examination process. The class will be an added plus on any resume' you present to a potential employer in the field.
- 3). Familiarize yourself with the real estate land records both at the courthouse and online, if available. If your county has online land records, navigate to the county website by typing the name of the county, state and the term "land records" or "probate records." Perform online searches from the comfort of your own home computer or at the computer lab of your local library to familiarize yourself with deeds, mortgages and other documents related to real estate transactions. Any knowledge you acquire could be invaluable in a job interview to prove your familiarity with real property records.
- 4). Offer your assistance to a freelance examiner or as an apprentice to a real estate attorney in return for the training. Freelance examiners may often be found in the county land records office or by asking one of the clerks at the recording office for names and contact information. Attorneys specializing primarily in real estate may be found in your phone directory or online bar directory.