Types of Wallpapers and Its Uses
Types of wallpaper: the vast majority of wallpaper falls into two categories: vinyl and standard patterned paper. Vinyl is more hardwearing because of its protective coating. Most wallpaper is hung on the wall using the same technique, though there are small refinements with some papers. The main thing is choosing the correct paper for the purpose (see below), and understanding the effect that a finish may have on a room.
Most paper can be applied in any area of the home, although some types of wallpaper are more suited to particular rooms than others. However, it is worth considering the effects of different designs and patterns in conjunction with the use of the room and the style you are trying to achieve.
Ensuring that you have the right number of rolls for the job is obviously an important factor when papering. The way in which these rolls are prepared, cut and pasted, ready for applying to the wall, is also essential in producing the right finish. Whatever type of wallpaper is being used, the dimensions of the room must be measured accurately.
Paintable papers: as well as lining papers, there are other types of textured wallpaper specifically designed to be painted. Woodchip paper is the most common example.
Vinyl: this is a very popular wallpaper which is ideal in all areas of the home, providing an easily wipe able surface. The hard-wearing properties vary according to the grade of vinyl.
Standard patterned wallpaper: again, very popular and manufactured in many different varieties because it is not as hard-wearing as vinyl, it is best used in areas like the living room, rather than the kitchen.
Hand-made and hand-painted paper: this is only produced in quantity by specialist suppliers. Often extremely expensive, but it can produce a breathtaking finish.
Proprietary variations: there are various other papers that may require the use of a specific paste.Always follow the manufacturer's guidelines in such cases, especially if using natural papers such as silk or hessian.
Most paper can be applied in any area of the home, although some types of wallpaper are more suited to particular rooms than others. However, it is worth considering the effects of different designs and patterns in conjunction with the use of the room and the style you are trying to achieve.
Ensuring that you have the right number of rolls for the job is obviously an important factor when papering. The way in which these rolls are prepared, cut and pasted, ready for applying to the wall, is also essential in producing the right finish. Whatever type of wallpaper is being used, the dimensions of the room must be measured accurately.