You Did Not Receive a Spirit To Become A Slave to Fear, Rather You Received A Specter for Aba
With Aba Pater you shall find comfort
in the lord
In majestic mountains it will come,
a world separated from the daily activities
of the sacred veil
For solitude does reign in a valley of forgiveness
as we come to contemplate the divinity of us all
As we remember our image each of us
must come to blows
So let us obliterate our idols as we begin to dwell
upon the abstract principles of our creator
the being from which we have been endowed
Because the gifts are as alluring as the ancient hillocks
are high
They swoon upon the backdrop as they fill in each detail,
a wondrous flurry at midnight as we gaze from the window
of a rugged alpine chalet
In such a place the angels flutter as the mind becomes wedded
to the stars
So allow your thoughts to drift as you begin to examine your lonely life
The holy ghost may bring rest to all that ails you as new warmth
is projected as a protective layer that shall guard you from the night
So appreciate what has been given to you as you observe the sanctity
of the land
For every fir and hedge is a testament to his word and a contentment of the dark
as the blackness will provide calmness and serenity as you wrestle with your plight
In the stillness lies a superhuman form, a spirit of lucidity, a cherub, seraph and sprite
Lay back your head and keep it self-assured
in a meadow at dawn you shall see the golden light
for beneath the sundry twilight all of it has begun to emerge
In an enchanted stage the needles of the pine
have come to do an extraordinary dance
In a miraculous spell they have brought a new convocation,
for in a magnificent charm they have sought a blue revelation
So use the amulet to wipe away the fear, in a winter glaze a fervent blush
has left its sign upon the shadow, a confirmation of his thought,
a principle for his deeds
Behold the beauty of his vision and his voice
Into the snowdrift we shall run, into the powder we shall fall
but the blanket will see that you survive as the flakes embellish the circle
in a clean white crystal that comes from the north as it creates a flaming effect
that all is well and good
in the lord
In majestic mountains it will come,
a world separated from the daily activities
of the sacred veil
For solitude does reign in a valley of forgiveness
as we come to contemplate the divinity of us all
As we remember our image each of us
must come to blows
So let us obliterate our idols as we begin to dwell
upon the abstract principles of our creator
the being from which we have been endowed
Because the gifts are as alluring as the ancient hillocks
are high
They swoon upon the backdrop as they fill in each detail,
a wondrous flurry at midnight as we gaze from the window
of a rugged alpine chalet
In such a place the angels flutter as the mind becomes wedded
to the stars
So allow your thoughts to drift as you begin to examine your lonely life
The holy ghost may bring rest to all that ails you as new warmth
is projected as a protective layer that shall guard you from the night
So appreciate what has been given to you as you observe the sanctity
of the land
For every fir and hedge is a testament to his word and a contentment of the dark
as the blackness will provide calmness and serenity as you wrestle with your plight
In the stillness lies a superhuman form, a spirit of lucidity, a cherub, seraph and sprite
Lay back your head and keep it self-assured
in a meadow at dawn you shall see the golden light
for beneath the sundry twilight all of it has begun to emerge
In an enchanted stage the needles of the pine
have come to do an extraordinary dance
In a miraculous spell they have brought a new convocation,
for in a magnificent charm they have sought a blue revelation
So use the amulet to wipe away the fear, in a winter glaze a fervent blush
has left its sign upon the shadow, a confirmation of his thought,
a principle for his deeds
Behold the beauty of his vision and his voice
Into the snowdrift we shall run, into the powder we shall fall
but the blanket will see that you survive as the flakes embellish the circle
in a clean white crystal that comes from the north as it creates a flaming effect
that all is well and good