Cost and Patient Safety Are Important When Purchasing Used Laboratory Equipment
The bottom line for laboratories is increasingly being watched by purchasing agents who are looking for cost-cutting ways to still deliver quality service.
By purchasing used laboratory equipment, medical facilities can realize 50% to 80% in operational cost savings.
This allows for the use of cash to take advantage of other opportunities.
This requires purchased equipment that does not compromise on the quality, ensuring patients' safety at all times.
Healthcare professionals must have peace of mind at all times, knowing that they are providing quality care without the worries of equipment malfunctions.
To ensure this, most used equipment suppliers offer money back guarantees as well as extended warranties.
Used laboratory equipment is probably the most expensive capital purchase for any medical facility.
Additionally, rules and state laws have restrictions which govern the handling, storage and disposal of biological materials.
This requires used equipment to be reconditioned in order to meet those standards before they can be resold.
Avoiding cross contamination is a major concern because erroneous test readings can lead to improper treatment.
This type of equipment is divided into two categories.
One-time use items include scalpels, vials and other sample taking tools.
The larger machines can be used multiple times on all patients.
There are many examples of used laboratory equipment and there are online vendors that provide inventory listings.
Some include the list price, but most require customers to call for a price quote, depending on the type of equipment.
The Tuttnauer/Brinkmann 2540E model is a programmable bench top sterilizer/autoclave that ensures safe and convenient sterilization.
The features on this sterilizer include a self-contained water supply that controls steam purity, automatic cycles, and adjustable temperature, time and pressure settings.
Another good buy is the Perkin Elmer Plasma II, a plasma emission spectrometer that has long-term wavelength stability.
The used version costs $14,950, considerably less than a newer model.
Medical facilities will be able to maintain compliance by purchasing used laboratory equipment from the right vendor.
This requires that the equipment does not lead to lab testing errors which can cause serious illness or even death.
Selecting the right vendor takes careful consideration.
Some vendors offer installation services along with warranties for pre-owned laboratory equipment.
By purchasing used laboratory equipment, medical facilities can realize 50% to 80% in operational cost savings.
This allows for the use of cash to take advantage of other opportunities.
This requires purchased equipment that does not compromise on the quality, ensuring patients' safety at all times.
Healthcare professionals must have peace of mind at all times, knowing that they are providing quality care without the worries of equipment malfunctions.
To ensure this, most used equipment suppliers offer money back guarantees as well as extended warranties.
Used laboratory equipment is probably the most expensive capital purchase for any medical facility.
Additionally, rules and state laws have restrictions which govern the handling, storage and disposal of biological materials.
This requires used equipment to be reconditioned in order to meet those standards before they can be resold.
Avoiding cross contamination is a major concern because erroneous test readings can lead to improper treatment.
This type of equipment is divided into two categories.
One-time use items include scalpels, vials and other sample taking tools.
The larger machines can be used multiple times on all patients.
There are many examples of used laboratory equipment and there are online vendors that provide inventory listings.
Some include the list price, but most require customers to call for a price quote, depending on the type of equipment.
The Tuttnauer/Brinkmann 2540E model is a programmable bench top sterilizer/autoclave that ensures safe and convenient sterilization.
The features on this sterilizer include a self-contained water supply that controls steam purity, automatic cycles, and adjustable temperature, time and pressure settings.
Another good buy is the Perkin Elmer Plasma II, a plasma emission spectrometer that has long-term wavelength stability.
The used version costs $14,950, considerably less than a newer model.
Medical facilities will be able to maintain compliance by purchasing used laboratory equipment from the right vendor.
This requires that the equipment does not lead to lab testing errors which can cause serious illness or even death.
Selecting the right vendor takes careful consideration.
Some vendors offer installation services along with warranties for pre-owned laboratory equipment.