How to Make a Baby Burp Pad
Things You'll Need
1Place a 3-ply cloth diaper flat on your work surface.
Cut a 5 1/2-inch by 18 1/2-inch piece of decorative fabric, and a 4-inch by 17-inch piece of cardboard.
Lie the fabric on the work surface with the good side facing down. Center the cardboard on top of the fabric, with about 3/4 inch of fabric showing on each side of the cardboard.
Spray a light misting of spray starch on the exposed fabric and fold the fabric over the cardboard template. Place a scrap piece of fabric on top to prevent the cardboard from scorching, then iron the folded fabric to lie it flat.
Spray a light misting of spray starch on the exposed fabric and fold the fabric over the cardboard template. Place a scrap piece of fabric over top to prevent the cardboard from scorching and iron the folded fabric to lay it flat.
Remove the cardboard from the fabric and lie it down the center of the cloth diaper with the good side of the fabric facing up and the folded, pressed edges against the cloth.
Sew a simple stitch around the outer edges of the fabric to attach it to the cloth.
Cut a piece of ribbon. Make the ribbon 4 1/2 inches long. Fold over 1/4 inch of each short end and pin the ribbon across the fabric strip, about 4 inches from one end. Sew the ribbon in place. Repeat this to attach another decorative length of ribbon 4 inches from the other end.