Penis Enlargement Surgery Costs $10-30K, Yet This System is More Effective and Much Cheaper!
Men who are happy with their penis size are generally more confidence in and out of the bedroom.
Of course it's all physiological, having a larger penis doesn't mean you physically have more confidence! You're more confident because you don't doubt yourself or your size.
No-one really needs a bigger penis, as long as it functions correctly then that's all you need.
However what you need and want are two very different things.
You will WANT to pleasure your woman, you will WANT to have more confidence.
There's nothing wrong with wanting something over needing, as long as it can be obtained.
Can having a larger penis be obtained? Yes of course! The most obvious answer would be surgery.
Surgeons either remove fat from the inside thigh and inject it into the base of the penis enabling it to have more girth, or implants can be put into the penis to increase the length and girth, much like breast enlargement surgery.
Easy? Well, maybe not so if you can't afford the average $10,000 - 30,000 that surgery will cost you these days.
Then there's the fact that whilst injecting fat will improve your girth, your length will stay the same and that it can cause disfigurement.
In fact according to a recent Boston University survey only 46% of men who have had fat injection enhancement surgery are satisfied with the final appearance of their penis - now that's an expensive risk.
The penis will be less sensitive, weaker erections and there are the complications of impotence in later years.
There will be significant scarring down the base of the penis that will be a dead give away of surgery.
Implants aren't much better, they're much pricier and are a relatively new and unproven procedure that has many risks and complications.
In the same survey at Boston University only 35% of men who had undergone implant surgery are happy with the final result.
That survey interviewed men who had on average had their operation within the last year.
The long term problems of implants are only yet to come.
The same surgeons who perform the operation do not recommend it unless of severe circumstances.
This isn't to say science does not have a way of allowing the penis to grow, whilst operations are instant external results, natural methods of penis enlargement work with the body internally to produce more effective, long lasting and healthier (not to mention cheaper) results.
Natural methods don't mean taking some pill advertised on the internet, that is probably comprised of horny goat weed and pesticides, natural methods is a way of adjusting the hormones and biochemicals within the body to replicate what the body experienced during puberty.
Male penis growth occurred most during the ages of 13-17, we can allow the penis to grow once again by re-creating the perfect balance of nutrients and hormones in our blood.
Scientists have developed a system that allows the body to produce these results without any of the other side effects of puberty and in a significantly shorter amount of time.
The results of these natural methods outweigh the results of surgery on completely different scale.