The 2012 Mayan Prophecies and the End of Time
festivals, harvests and decisions within' the culture were based on this knowledge.
A mysterious culture that thrived between 300 and 900 BC in much of what is now Central America, disappeared as quickly as it evolved.
Another mystery surrounding the Mayan- What happened to this vast culture?.
The Voltec Tribes took over the Mayan legacy, and once the Spanish started the conquest of South and Central America- The Incas were the last guardians of this legacy.
The Spanish Invaders destroyed as much as the Inca culture as they could burning ancient documents, and looting and smelting down holy objects for gold.
But they could not destroy the ancient Mayan Calendar.
The end of time for the Mayan calendar is the 21st December, 2012.
This is not an ordinary date.
Modern Astronomers agree that on this date the winter solstice sun is going to be closely in conjunction with the Galactic equator.
Our Sun for the first time in 26.
000 years is going to align with the center of the Milky way.
How could a "primitive and pagan" culture- according to the invaders who tried to destroy it, and many of today's skeptics predict an astonishing event over 2200 years ago?.
An event even our modern astrologers only knew about after they researched the dates on the ancient Mayan Calendar.
This question is leading many people to believe, that perhaps there is something much more in the current Mayan prophecies.
Currently over six billion people live on our planet, a planet now threatened with the effects of global warming, and overpopulation.
As our seas rise, lands are lost.
Valuable lands that are our homes, and more importantly places that grow food- so there is no doubt that some unwelcome changes may occur in the future.
However, when the conjunction of our Sun with the Galactic Equator occurs on the 21st December, 2012.
No one will really know the results of this, once in 26.
000 year event.
An event prophesied by the end of a mysterious ancient cultures calendar, that thrived then disappeared before modern Christianity began.