How to Repair a Kegerator
Things You'll Need
1Pour either Kegerator beer line-cleaning solution or Power-Punch 22 solution through your keg for cleaning and sanitizing of beer lines while removing build-ups and marks throughout the keg. Empty the contents of the solution into a bucket before dumping it out.
Remove your beer faucet by unscrewing it with a faucet wrench, placing it in either Kegerator beer-line cleaning solution or Power-Punch 22 solution in another bucket.
Clean your beer faucet by scrubbing it with a beer faucet cleaning brush before rinsing it in either Kegerator beer-line cleaning solution or Power-Punch 22 solution.
Scrub the inside of your keg with a clean sponge soaked in either Kegerator beer-line cleaning solution or Power-Punch 22 solution.
Attach a Cornelius keg to your beer faucet opening, pumping its handle while releasing either Kegerator beer-line cleaning solution or Power-Punch 22 solution through the keg for cleaning of the beer lines and the liquid tube.