Betula Tree Varieties
- Many betula trees feature peeling bark.birch image by Pali A from
The Betula genus is a part of the family of birch trees, along with Alnus, Ostrya, Corylus, and Carpinus. According to Discover Life, there are about 50 species of trees and shrubs that belong to the Betula genus. Most Betula trees flower; they all drop winged seeds that are produced every one to four years. - Other names for Betula papyrifera are paper birch, white birch and canoe birch. Birch Tree Care states that when the tree is young, the bark is brown and it turns white as the tree matures. In older trees, the birch bark starts to peel as the tree matures. It is native to North America, and it favors northern climates. It tolerates alkaline soils reasonably well, but it is susceptible to birch leaf miner and it is moderately susceptible to the bronze birch borer.
- Betula alleghaniensis, or yellow birch, has yellow-orange bark that will start to turn reddish-brown as it ages, according to Birch Tree Care. As the tree matures, the bark starts to peel. While this Betula tree is moderately susceptible to the bronze birch borer, it is resistant to the birch leafminer. It is more shade-tolerant than other birches, and it requires a cool, moist, planting site. It is native to the northeastern United States and the Great Lakes region.
- Betula pendula, or European white birch, has silver-white bark that fissures to reveal a blackened interior, according to the North Carolina State University. This bark does not peel. The young twigs are brown and warty in texture. This variety's susceptibility to disease and pests recommends against planting it as an ornamental. It does not do well in excessive summer heat, either, and requires a moist soil to reach its full mature height.
- Betula nigra, known as river birch, often has a slight lean with a spreading crown. The bark may be silvery-gray or pinkish-brown and it separates into papery plates on the trunk of the tree. According to Discover Life, as the tree ages, the bark becomes thickly fissured and slightly shaggy. The tree produces very small flowers in the spring. It prefers wet soils near lakes and swamps.