Uses of Lucky Bamboo
- The ancient Chinese art of feng shui, which means "wind and water," brings harmony to your life and environment through the placement of objects; it has several traditions. Feng shui flows energy (chi) using its five elements of wood, water, earth, metal and fire to create an environment of harmony, wealth and health. Lucky bamboo contains all five elements and is used commonly in feng shui applications.
- Aside from decorating, lucky bamboo is a feng shui symbol used to attract health, prosperity and good fortune. Place lucky bamboo in the "wealth" area of your home, in stalks of three, five or eight, to attract more money. If you stand at your main front door, facing into your home, the wealth area is in the far left corner area in the back of your home, according to the western feng shui tradition.
Place lucky bamboo in the "family" area of your home, in stalks of six or seven for health and luck, to attract harmony and good fortune for the whole family. The family area is also on the left side of your home, in the middle. - Feng shui recognizes that symbols of an object can have power. According to Kathryn Weber, master feng shui consultant and Red Lotus Letter feng shui e-zine publisher, the Chinese believe certain symbols promote good health and longevity, and hanging pictures like bamboo "are considered to be auspicious health symbols."
- Lucky bamboo makes an excellent housewarming gift.Image by, courtesy of hobvias sudoneighm
Give lucky bamboo as a gift to anyone you wish good fortune, health and abundance. Lucky bamboo is sold in beautiful ceramic and glass containers, or you can buy bamboo separately and make your own container or vase, adding stones for beauty and to help keep the bamboo in place. - Grow a lucky bamboo easily in your home office.Image by, courtesy of Mo Riza
Lucky bamboo plants are very easy to care for and grow well under almost all lighting, including artificial light. Lucky bamboo grows in water and only requires the vase or container to be filled three-quarters with fresh distilled or spring water. Completely drain and replace the water every month. Let tap water sit overnight to separate the chemicals if you must use it. - Place your lucky bamboo in a large vase and add small fish to the water. The fish help nourish the plant and add even more beauty.
To create spiral bamboo, lay the stalk on its side so only one side faces the light. Rotate the plant on a regular basis, and it will grow into a spiral. Lucky bamboo grows slowly so it can take up to 1 1/2 years to spiral.