How To Remove Genital Warts - My Story
I caught the HPV virus off my old girlfriend of mine, which is the genital warts virus.
I was unaware I had caught it but my exgirlfriend called me 8 months ago to inform me she had been to the GP and had a test and told her she had the hpv virus.
She was strongly advised by her specialist to tell all her old sexual partners that she has the virus as there is a 75 percent change I have it too.
I got a test kit from the local store and found I also had the hpv virus.
As you cannot remove the virus I didn't do anything about it so carried on my life as normal.
I completely forgot I had the hpv virus up until 2 months ago when I noticed I was starting to develop genital warts on the side of my manhood.
After Googling "how to remove genital warts" I found a treatment website which seems to sell every treatment available.
I chose to buy Wartrol as it was the most popular and got good reviews.
I decided against going to my doctor to get them frozen off as I didn't have a spare $230 which is what I was told it would cost.
I optimistically thought they would vanish within 10 days as that is what the reviews claimed, but personally for my body to respond to the treatment it took about 30 days for the HPV warts to go completely.
I couldn't a happier person right now though! As I saved myself a lot of dollars and know that eventually when they come back in a few years I know a fast treatment.
Visit Genital Wart Clinic website to learn more about the removal treatments and see pictures.
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