Parenting is Never Easy
You have moments of joy and moments of disgust.
Things can get very stressful and full of tension when you have kids.
But then there are the great moments where they do something new or wonderful that make you smile.
Not all families have it easy.
Sometimes there are situations that make things tough.
I have a 5 year old son.
I had him with his mother when we were in the process of splitting up.
I decided we could not be together anymore and I didn't want to try and make it work.
So our son has had to go back and forth between us since he was a baby.
This has had some negative effects for him.
He spends time with 4 different families if you count our parents and this can be tough on him.
He gets 4 different types of discipline and has up to 8 different role models.
He's very mixed up when it comes to understanding how to act and how to handle certain situations.
We've talked about taking him to see a doctor to get some advice on what to do.
He does several different things that worry us.
The first thing is that whenever you ask him to do something, whether it be to eat his food, clean up a toy, quiet down...
anything, he will have an instant temper tantrum.
It doesn't matter how small the request is, he just doesn't handle it properly and will kick and scream until he gets his way.
We'll proceed to put him in time out, but he will kick the walls, scream and cry for the duration of the time out.
There are many other smaller things.
Anything we ask him to do, he forgets about and does it anyway 2 minutes later.
We have a 7 month old baby and when hes sleeping, our son will constantly play too loud and wake the baby up.
We tell him to be quiet and he will be for a minute or two, but then he will be loud again, like he didn't even remember us asking him to quiet down minutes before.
When he gets embarrassed or mad, he will hit himself in the head.
I guess some kids do this, but it looks very odd and worries us.
My son also has a bit of a speech problem.
He slurs his words and cannot always say things properly.
If you compare other kids his age, he is behind them when it comes to speech.
We worry that he may be made fun of by other kids and that it could affect how he grows up.
It's very tough having kids and issues like these can arise.
The best thing you can do is try and be a good role model for them, so they repeat the good things that you do.
This will teach them good values and how to properly act in society.
The purpose is not so they become a version of you, but someone that can exist in society without issues.