How to Get Gear for Heroic
- 1). Complete the quest lines in the higher-level zones. The quest rewards will offer a good foundation of gear from which you can build. Additionally, you will earn more gold through these quests once you have attained the maximum level. Do the daily quests every day as these will give you tokens that you can use to purchase some starting gear as well as a healthy supply of gold.
- 2). Visit the auction house. Purchase gear that is well suited for your character class. The auction house offers a substantial boost to your gear level but avoid spending all of your gold on 1 or 2 pieces. Blue quality gear is available in auction houses on most servers that is of a higher quality than the pieces that you picked up from questing and at a low gold cost.
- 3). Use your professions to help you prepare. Gathering professions offer an innate bonus that will help you as long as your profession is at its maximum level. Other professions offer gear and gear enhancements such as blacksmithing, leatherworking and tailoring, which can all be used to craft gear that is sufficient for the heroic level. Enchanting, jewelcrafting and inscription offer item enhancements that can increase the effectiveness of your current gear.
- 4). Enter regular instances. The gear in these instances is of a higher quality than what you received from questing and can help you prepare for the heroic setting. Pay close attention to the specific properties of this gear. Make sure that you are picking up gear that is an upgrade for your class and specialization. Focus on weapons if your character is a damage dealer, shields and high stamina items if you are a tank and high mana regeneration items if you are a healer. The range of gear offered in regulars can be confusing; avoid choosing pieces that are not beneficial to you. Log into the World of Warcraft Armory website to look at your character's current gear and see suggestions for instance obtainable upgrades. Additionally, running these instances can help you learn the specifics behind the fights.
- 5). Wear your tabards while you are running regular instances. Each faction offers their own tabard, and by wearing them you can gain reputation with their faction while in instances. Gaining this reputation opens opportunities to purchase starting gear from these factions and can offer a few nice additions to your gear level.