What You Must Do to Get Your Ex Girlfriend Back
When you encounter a breakup, one of the first things you want to know is what you must do to get your ex girlfriend back.
You began to back track in your mind as to what went wrong and if you should have done things a little differently.
You may even have thoughts of apologizing in some form or manner; via phone call, letter, card, flowers or some type of gift.
Hold up, wait a minute, do not squeeze that trigger yet.
You see it may not be the right time for you to make that type of move.
When most women become upset to the point of breaking up with you, their emotions are whirling around at super speed.
Sometimes they do not know what they want to do or what they want you to do.
Save your energy for later, you will need it.
You have to plan your approach very carefully because you might not get but one chance to convince her to take you back.
On the other hand you have to think about is it worth the trouble and will I end up in the same situation again.
I would suggest that you take some time off from that relationship.
Make some self improvement plans, set some reachable goals, and revitalize your networking.
Expand your range and think of new ways to meet people.
After a month or two of working on your life, you will begin to see some major improvements.
Most of the chances you will like but there will be some things that are revealed to you that you will not like.
You see you may realize that the previous relationship was a little one sided.
You may recognize that you were the one doing the majority of the giving.
On the other hand you will have the time to clear your head on a method of procedure to use.
By this time, your ex girlfriend is wondering why she has not heard from you.
She will be so curious to the point of making contact with you.
If not then it is time for you to break the ice and make contact with her.
Ask her how she has been doing and let her know that you have been working on improving your life.
If you want her back this is the time to ask her to have lunch or dinner with you at a place that she likes.
Once you have her sitting before you, it would be the time to discuss your goals and see if she has made some changes to her life.
You can be a little more direct with your questions that you ask because you want to clear the air of any pass conflicts.
Be careful not to stick your foot into your mouth, think before you speak.
Remember she will be thinking at least a couple steps ahead of what she is saying.
Last but not the least; do not try to scrutinize everything that she says, the more you talk the more at ease she will become.
Limit the time for your first encounter.
Thank her and go your separate ways.
Now you have the time for a true facts evaluation and review everything very carefully.
You should be able to confirm your feelings with this analysis.
If you end up with more positive things about her than negative, then she is a keeper.
Gradually build your new relationship by making dates with her.
Do not rush because you will end up with the same frustrations that caused you to break up.
Treat the situation as if you are starting a new relationship.
Have fun! These are the things you must do to get your ex girlfriend back!