Santeria: The Religion Of Africa And The Caribbean From Latinstar9
Santeria is a blended pantheistic religion based primarily in Cuba with West African roots. It is also known as Lukumi. It celebrates a host of gods called Orishas. Latinstar9 can help explain it's origins in more detail.
The Orishas are as follows: Elegua, Obatala, Oggun, Oshun, Chango, Oya, Yemaya and Orula. The Orishas cover all aspects of human behavior. Elegua is the trickster deity of the crossroads, the first Orisha everyone must consult before contacting the other Orishas. Obatala is the supreme Orisha and is the creator of man. Oggun personifies iron, minerals, mountain and tools. Oshun is the female deity of all bodies of water, including oceans, and she rules over matters of love and pleasure. Chango represents lightning and thunder, the god of healing, love and war. Orula symbolizes fortune telling and advice to men. Yemaya cares for pregnant women and represents the Earth and Nature.
Santeria was born when the enslaved Africans were brought to Cuba to work in the sugar cane fields and they brought with them their Yoruba language and beliefs. This African religion adopted the facade of Catholicism as well as some Native American traditions. It includes going into trances to communicate with the gods, sacred drumming, and animal sacrifices to appease the Orisha.
In order to be able to continue with their own religion, the slaves adopted many Catholic rituals, including observances of the various saints. Santeria was an insult used by the European slave owners who were under the mistaken belief that Santeria was a degraded form of Christianity. Today the terms Orisha and saint are used frequently to describe each other in Cuba.
Today the Lukumi faith has followers all over the West Indies, Mexico, Central America, Western Europe, Canada and America. There are whites, Hispanics and blacks who practice Santeria and every social class and profession is represented in this faith. As of 2001, there were 22,000 adherents in the US.
The Lukumi religion acknowledges a balance of life on earth while Christianity puts the emphasis on good behavior now as a reward for the afterlife. A believer in Lukumi is called a santero. In order to become initiated into the religion, a person must be recommended by a current santero.
There are three stages of initiation that the novice must go through before becoming a full-fledged member. The rites are veiled in secrecy and members do not like sharing them with outsiders due to the controversy over animal sacrifices. A novice can go through two stages of initiation only to be rejected at the third. Interestingly, it is the Orisha who decides who can be a santero, speaking through the priest or babalawo.
Once initiated into the family of the Orisha, the person must abstain or enjoy certain foods associated with that Orisha. Obatala, the supreme deity, prefers all white foods, including milk, eggs, and female goat meat but he does not drink any alcohol so the new santero must abstain too.
Spells and divinations are a part of Santeria and require further study as a part of the religion. Followers can spend years honing their knowledge of the secret rites. For further detailed information on this religion, go to
The Orishas are as follows: Elegua, Obatala, Oggun, Oshun, Chango, Oya, Yemaya and Orula. The Orishas cover all aspects of human behavior. Elegua is the trickster deity of the crossroads, the first Orisha everyone must consult before contacting the other Orishas. Obatala is the supreme Orisha and is the creator of man. Oggun personifies iron, minerals, mountain and tools. Oshun is the female deity of all bodies of water, including oceans, and she rules over matters of love and pleasure. Chango represents lightning and thunder, the god of healing, love and war. Orula symbolizes fortune telling and advice to men. Yemaya cares for pregnant women and represents the Earth and Nature.
Santeria was born when the enslaved Africans were brought to Cuba to work in the sugar cane fields and they brought with them their Yoruba language and beliefs. This African religion adopted the facade of Catholicism as well as some Native American traditions. It includes going into trances to communicate with the gods, sacred drumming, and animal sacrifices to appease the Orisha.
In order to be able to continue with their own religion, the slaves adopted many Catholic rituals, including observances of the various saints. Santeria was an insult used by the European slave owners who were under the mistaken belief that Santeria was a degraded form of Christianity. Today the terms Orisha and saint are used frequently to describe each other in Cuba.
Today the Lukumi faith has followers all over the West Indies, Mexico, Central America, Western Europe, Canada and America. There are whites, Hispanics and blacks who practice Santeria and every social class and profession is represented in this faith. As of 2001, there were 22,000 adherents in the US.
The Lukumi religion acknowledges a balance of life on earth while Christianity puts the emphasis on good behavior now as a reward for the afterlife. A believer in Lukumi is called a santero. In order to become initiated into the religion, a person must be recommended by a current santero.
There are three stages of initiation that the novice must go through before becoming a full-fledged member. The rites are veiled in secrecy and members do not like sharing them with outsiders due to the controversy over animal sacrifices. A novice can go through two stages of initiation only to be rejected at the third. Interestingly, it is the Orisha who decides who can be a santero, speaking through the priest or babalawo.
Once initiated into the family of the Orisha, the person must abstain or enjoy certain foods associated with that Orisha. Obatala, the supreme deity, prefers all white foods, including milk, eggs, and female goat meat but he does not drink any alcohol so the new santero must abstain too.
Spells and divinations are a part of Santeria and require further study as a part of the religion. Followers can spend years honing their knowledge of the secret rites. For further detailed information on this religion, go to