Ideas for Track Layouts for Tomy Thomas & Friends
- Using nine various Straight Track (ST) pieces, 17 Curve Track (CT) pieces, two Ascending/ Descending Track (AT) pieces, four Ascending Track Riser (ATR) pieces, one Curve Switch Track (CST) piece, one Bumper (TSRF) piece and an arched bridge you can create an expanded figure eight track layout. Use the following pattern to create this design, replacing straight pieces with accessories such as the water tower and conductor shed, if available: ST, ST, CT, CT, CT, CT, CT, CT, CT, CT, ST, CT, ST, CT, CT, AT, ATR, CT, ATR, ST, ATR, ST, ATR, AT, CT, CT, ST, ST, CT, CST (place TSRF on side not continuing), ST, arched bridge, CT, CT. Connect the last CT with the ST you started with to complete your expanded figure eight.
- Using 12 various Straight Track (ST) pieces, 10 Curve Track (CT) pieces, one arched bridge and one R&L crossing, you can create a double circles layout. Follow this pattern for the first circle, replacing large straight tracks with accessories such as a building, if available: R&L crossing, ST, CT, CT, ST, CT, CT, ST, CT, CT, CT, CT, CT, CT. Follow this pattern for the second circle, starting underneath the R&L crossing: ST, CT, CT, ST, arched bridge, ST, CT, CT, ST, ST, CT, CT, ST, ST, ST, ST, CT, CT.
- Using two Straight Track (ST) pieces and eight Curve Track (CT) pieces, you can create an oval layout. Follow this pattern to get an oval, switching out pieces for accessories at your leisure: ST, CT, CT, CT, CT, ST, CT, CT, CT, CT. Feel free to add straight and curved pieces to create an elongated oval.
- For a Yin and Yang layout you'll need 12 Curve Track (CT) pieces, one Track Adapter (TA) piece and two Curved Switch Track (CST) pieces. Follow this pattern to get the outer circle: CST, CT, CT, CT, CT, CST, CT, CT, CT, CT. Follow this pattern to get the S-shaped curve in the center of the circle, starting with the top CST piece: CT, CT, TA, CT, CT.