Authentic Information About Tinnitus and Drugs
There are lots of drugs available in the market today that may cause tinnitus. It is therefore imperative for us, consumers, to know what these drugs are. Being knowledgeable of the effects of such drugs is indeed helpful for us to be ready for it.
Here, the drugs that will be presented are still under consideration, yet many researchers claim that these drugs are in one way or another cause tinnitus and hearing loss. Also note that studies concerning these drugs and their regards to tinnitus are still ongoing.
An example of salicylate is aspirin. Aspirin is said to be the most common cause of tinnitus, regarding other drugs. Just right after 2 days of taking aspirin, one may experience ringing or buzzing in the ears, although this may not be applicable to all. It's still a case to case basis.
As experts say, tinnitus and hearing loss are flat throughout frequency during the course of treatment with a salicylate. Nonetheless, high frequencies are more exaggerated than that of the low frequencies. The good thing though is that hearing loss and tinnitus may slowly diminish after 2 to 3 days after termination of intake of aspirin.
Quinines are anti-malarial drugs. A few examples of this drug, which may be familiar to you, are chloroquine, quinidine, and hydroxychloroquine. These quinines have been long been known to cause tinnitus and loss of hearing.
Same with salicylates, quinine-induced tinnitus and hearing loss are associated with high frequencies. And as soon as tinnitus is present, usually hearing loss will follow. Not to worry though because hearing loss is reversible in most of the cases. But a certain number acquire a permanent hearing loss if large doses of quinine are administered.
Some other causes of tinnitus and its concomitant hearing loss are the following:
. Tobacco
It has long been known, according to experts, that smoking is one of the most common causes of the occurrence of tinnitus as well as hearing loss. It is highly recommended that at least one full month of smoking cessation could eradicate it from the long list of causative factors contributing to tinnitus.
. Caffeine
Caffeine is known to worsen the current existence of tinnitus. Nonetheless, this is still under study by researchers. Updates are yet to be known.
. Alcohol
A treatment and a cause - that's how alcohol is perceived with respect to tinnitus.
. Cocaine
One of cocaine's effects is vasoconstriction, and tinnitus is usually associated with vasoconstriction. It is for this reason that it is made believable that cocaine-use may predispose you to experiencing tinnitus.
. Marijuana
An existing tinnitus might be exacerbated by marijuana-use according to researchers, although this information is still under intensive study.
. Oral Contraceptives
Oral contraceptives have vascular changes and effects. It is for this reason that oral contraceptives are usually connected with tinnitus.
. Chemical Toxins
Examples of chemical toxins are those that are used to treat cancer. Say, withdrawal from cis-platinum-use has shown reversal in symptoms of tinnitus.
The above list shows only a few drugs that may cause tinnitus and eventually, loss of hearing. This should remind us to be extra careful as there're a whole lot of other drugs that are out in the market that may have a side effect of tinnitus and hearing loss.